Rename geometry types with Q prefix instead of Quik.
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ namespace Quik.FreeType
entry.Atlas = new Atlas(_owner.Context.TextureManager, _library);
entry.Atlas.AttachGlyph(_face.Glyph, out QuikRectangle uvs);
entry.Atlas.AttachGlyph(_face.Glyph, out QRectangle uvs);
entry.Metrics = new QuikGlyph(
new QuikVec2(_face.Glyph.Metrics.Width / 64f, _face.Glyph.Metrics.Height / 64f),
new QuikVec2(_face.Glyph.Metrics.HorizontalBearingX / 64f, _face.Glyph.Metrics.HorizontalBearingY / 64f),
new QuikVec2(_face.Glyph.Metrics.VerticalBearingX / 64f , _face.Glyph.Metrics.VerticalBearingY / 64f),
new QuikVec2(_face.Glyph.Metrics.HorizontalAdvance / 64f, _face.Glyph.Metrics.VerticalAdvance / 64f));
new QVec2(_face.Glyph.Metrics.Width / 64f, _face.Glyph.Metrics.Height / 64f),
new QVec2(_face.Glyph.Metrics.HorizontalBearingX / 64f, _face.Glyph.Metrics.HorizontalBearingY / 64f),
new QVec2(_face.Glyph.Metrics.VerticalBearingX / 64f , _face.Glyph.Metrics.VerticalBearingY / 64f),
new QVec2(_face.Glyph.Metrics.HorizontalAdvance / 64f, _face.Glyph.Metrics.VerticalAdvance / 64f));
_entries[character] = entry;
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace Quik.FreeType
public QuikTexture Texture;
private QuikVec2 _pointer = new QuikVec2();
private QVec2 _pointer = new QVec2();
private float _verticalAdvance = 0;
private FTLibrary _ft;
private FTBitmap _bitmap;
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace Quik.FreeType
public Atlas(IQuikTextureManager textureManager, FTLibrary ft)
Texture = textureManager.CreateTexture(
new QuikVec2(4096, 4096),
new QVec2(4096, 4096),
@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ namespace Quik.FreeType
return true;
public void AttachGlyph(in FTGlyphSlot slot, out QuikRectangle UVs)
public void AttachGlyph(in FTGlyphSlot slot, out QRectangle UVs)
FT.BitmapConvert(_ft, slot.Bitmap, ref _bitmap, 1);
QuikRectangle position =
new QuikRectangle(
_pointer + new QuikVec2(_bitmap.Width + 1, _bitmap.Rows + 1),
_pointer + new QuikVec2(1, 1));
QRectangle position =
new QRectangle(
_pointer + new QVec2(_bitmap.Width + 1, _bitmap.Rows + 1),
_pointer + new QVec2(1, 1));
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ namespace Quik.FreeType
_pointer.X += _bitmap.Width + 2;
_verticalAdvance = Math.Max(_verticalAdvance, slot.Bitmap.Rows + 2);
UVs = new QuikRectangle(
UVs = new QRectangle(
position.Right / 4096,
position.Bottom / 4096,
position.Left / 4096,
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Quik.OpenGL;
using Quik.VertexGenerator;
using Matrix4 = OpenTK.Mathematics.Matrix4;
using static Quik.OpenGL.GLEnum;
namespace Quik.OpenTK
@ -86,9 +88,16 @@ namespace Quik.OpenTK
location = GL.GetAttribLocation(_sp, name);
_vbo = GL.GenBuffer();
_ebo = GL.GenBuffer();
_vao = GL.GenVertexArray();
private readonly int _sp;
private readonly int _vao;
private readonly int _vbo;
private readonly int _ebo;
private const string _nameM4View = "m4View";
private readonly int _locM4View;
@ -122,6 +131,38 @@ namespace Quik.OpenTK
SdfAuxEnable = 1 << 3,
public void Draw(DrawQueue queue)
GL.BindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, _vbo);
GL.BufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, queue.VertexCount * QuikVertex.Stride, queue.VertexArray, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
GL.BufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, queue.ElementCount * sizeof(int), queue.ElementArray, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
GL.VertexAttribPointer(_locV2Position, 2, GL_FLOAT, false, QuikVertex.Stride, QuikVertex.PositionOffset);
GL.VertexAttribPointer(_locV2Texture, 2, GL_FLOAT, false, QuikVertex.Stride, QuikVertex.TextureCoordinatesOffset);
GL.VertexAttribPointer(_locV4Color, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, false, QuikVertex.Stride, QuikVertex.ColorOffset);
Matrix4 m = Matrix4.Identity;
GL.UniformMatrix4(_locM4Model, false, ref m.Row0.X);
foreach (DrawCall call in queue)
GL.BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ((OpenGLTexture)call.Texture)?.TextureId ?? 0);
m = Matrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0, call.Bounds.Right, 0, call.Bounds.Top, 1.0f, -1.0f);
GL.UniformMatrix4(_locM4View, false, ref m.Row0.X);
GL.DrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, call.Count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, call.Start);
private bool _isDisposed = false;
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace Quik.OpenTK
private int _height;
private bool _mipmaps;
internal OpenGLTexture(OpenGLTextureManager manager, QuikImageFormat format, QuikVec2 size, bool mipmaps)
internal OpenGLTexture(OpenGLTextureManager manager, QuikImageFormat format, QVec2 size, bool mipmaps)
Manager = manager;
_mipmaps = mipmaps;
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace Quik.OpenTK
public override bool Mipmaps => _mipmaps;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void Image(IntPtr data, QuikImageFormat format, QuikVec2 size, int level, int alignment = 4)
public override void Image(IntPtr data, QuikImageFormat format, QVec2 size, int level, int alignment = 4)
GL.BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TextureId);
GL.PixelStore(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, alignment);
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace Quik.OpenTK
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void SubImage(IntPtr data, QuikImageFormat format, QuikRectangle location, int level, int alignment = 4)
public override void SubImage(IntPtr data, QuikImageFormat format, QRectangle location, int level, int alignment = 4)
GL.BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TextureId);
GL.PixelStore(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, alignment);
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ namespace Quik.OpenTK
private List<int> _reclaimList = new List<int>();
public QuikTexture CreateTexture(QuikVec2 size, bool mipmaps, QuikImageFormat format)
public QuikTexture CreateTexture(QVec2 size, bool mipmaps, QuikImageFormat format)
return new OpenGLTexture(this, format, size, mipmaps);
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
private readonly Stack<int> _zStack = new Stack<int>();
public int ZIndex => _zIndex;
private QuikRectangle _viewport;
private readonly Stack<QuikRectangle> _viewportStack = new Stack<QuikRectangle>();
private QRectangle _viewport;
private readonly Stack<QRectangle> _viewportStack = new Stack<QRectangle>();
private readonly Stack<object> _matrixStack = new Stack<object>();
private Command _customCommandBase = Command.CustomCommandBase;
private readonly List<QuikCommandHandler> _customCommands = new List<QuikCommandHandler>();
public QuikRectangle Viewport => _viewport;
public QRectangle Viewport => _viewport;
// TODO: Make a real matrix class.
public float[] ActiveTransforms { get; }
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
return id;
public void ProcessCommands(QuikRectangle bounds, CommandQueue queue)
public void ProcessCommands(QRectangle bounds, CommandQueue queue)
if (!queue.Peek().IsCommand)
throw new ArgumentException("The first element in the queue must be a command frame.");
@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
case Command.IntersectViewport:
_viewport = QuikRectangle.Intersect((QuikRectangle)queue.Dequeue(), _viewport);
_viewport = QRectangle.Intersect((QRectangle)queue.Dequeue(), _viewport);
case Command.StoreViewport:
_viewport = (QuikRectangle)queue.Dequeue();
_viewport = (QRectangle)queue.Dequeue();
case Command.PopViewport:
_viewport = _viewportStack.TryPop(out QuikRectangle viewport) ? viewport : bounds;
_viewport = _viewportStack.TryPop(out QRectangle viewport) ? viewport : bounds;
case Command.PushZ:
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
_zIndex = 0;
_viewport = new QuikRectangle(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
_viewport = new QRectangle(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
public void IntersectViewport(in QuikRectangle viewport)
public void IntersectViewport(in QRectangle viewport)
public void StoreViewport(in QuikRectangle viewport)
public void StoreViewport(in QRectangle viewport)
@ -93,21 +93,21 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
public void Line(in QuikLine line)
public void Line(in QLine line)
public void Line(params QuikLine[] lines)
public void Line(params QLine[] lines)
foreach (QuikLine line in lines)
foreach (QLine line in lines)
public void Bezier(in QuikBezier bezier)
public void Bezier(in QBezier bezier)
Frame a, b;
Frame.Create(bezier, out a, out b);
@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
public void Bezier(params QuikBezier[] beziers)
public void Bezier(params QBezier[] beziers)
Frame a, b;
foreach (QuikBezier bezier in beziers)
foreach (QBezier bezier in beziers)
Frame.Create(bezier, out a, out b);
@ -132,21 +132,21 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
public void Rectangle(in QuikRectangle rectangle)
public void Rectangle(in QRectangle rectangle)
public void Rectangle(QuikRectangle[] rectangles)
public void Rectangle(QRectangle[] rectangles)
foreach (QuikRectangle rectangle in rectangles)
foreach (QRectangle rectangle in rectangles)
public void Ellipse(in QuikEllipse ellipse)
public void Ellipse(in QEllipse ellipse)
Frame a, b;
Frame.Create(ellipse, out a, out b);
@ -156,12 +156,12 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
public void Ellipse(params QuikEllipse[] ellipses)
public void Ellipse(params QEllipse[] ellipses)
Frame a, b;
foreach (QuikEllipse ellipse in ellipses)
foreach (QEllipse ellipse in ellipses)
Frame.Create(ellipse, out a, out b);
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
public void Triangle(in QuikTriangle triangle)
public void Triangle(in QTriangle triangle)
@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
public void Triangle(params QuikTriangle[] triangles)
public void Triangle(params QTriangle[] triangles)
foreach (QuikTriangle triangle in triangles)
foreach (QTriangle triangle in triangles)
@ -189,17 +189,17 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
public void Polygon(params QuikVec2[] polygon)
public void Polygon(params QVec2[] polygon)
foreach (QuikVec2 vertex in polygon)
foreach (QVec2 vertex in polygon)
public void Image(QuikTexture texture, in QuikRectangle rectangle)
public void Image(QuikTexture texture, in QRectangle rectangle)
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
public void Image(QuikTexture texture, in QuikRectangle rectangle, in QuikRectangle uv)
public void Image(QuikTexture texture, in QRectangle rectangle, in QRectangle uv)
Enqueue((Frame)(int)(ImageCommandFlags.Single | ImageCommandFlags.UVs));
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
public void Image(QuikTexture texture, QuikRectangle[] rectangles, bool interleavedUV = false)
public void Image(QuikTexture texture, QRectangle[] rectangles, bool interleavedUV = false)
ImageCommandFlags flags = interleavedUV ? ImageCommandFlags.UVs : ImageCommandFlags.None;
@ -224,13 +224,13 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
Enqueue(new Frame((int)flags, rectangles.Length / 2));
Enqueue(new Frame(texture));
foreach (QuikRectangle rectangle in rectangles)
foreach (QRectangle rectangle in rectangles)
public void Image(QuikTexture texture, QuikRectangle[] rectangles, QuikRectangle[] uvs)
public void Image(QuikTexture texture, QRectangle[] rectangles, QRectangle[] uvs)
int count = Math.Min(rectangles.Length, uvs.Length);
@ -229,34 +229,34 @@ namespace Quik.CommandMachine
public static explicit operator int(in Frame frame) => frame._i1;
public static explicit operator float(in Frame frame) => frame._f1;
public static explicit operator Command(in Frame frame) => (Command)frame._i1;
public static explicit operator QuikVec2(in Frame frame) =>
frame.IsFloat ? new QuikVec2(frame._f1, frame._f2) : new QuikVec2(frame._i1, frame._i2);
public static explicit operator QuikColor(in Frame frame) =>
new QuikColor((byte)frame._i1, (byte)frame._i2, (byte)frame._i3, (byte)frame._i4);
public static explicit operator QuikRectangle(in Frame frame) =>
public static explicit operator QVec2(in Frame frame) =>
frame.IsFloat ? new QVec2(frame._f1, frame._f2) : new QVec2(frame._i1, frame._i2);
public static explicit operator QColor(in Frame frame) =>
new QColor((byte)frame._i1, (byte)frame._i2, (byte)frame._i3, (byte)frame._i4);
public static explicit operator QRectangle(in Frame frame) =>
frame.IsFloat ?
new QuikRectangle(frame._f1, frame._f2, frame._f3, frame._f4) :
new QuikRectangle(frame._i1, frame._i2, frame._i3, frame._i4);
public static explicit operator QuikLine(in Frame frame) =>
new QRectangle(frame._f1, frame._f2, frame._f3, frame._f4) :
new QRectangle(frame._i1, frame._i2, frame._i3, frame._i4);
public static explicit operator QLine(in Frame frame) =>
frame.IsFloat ?
new QuikLine(frame._f1, frame._f2, frame._f3, frame._f4) :
new QuikLine(frame._i1, frame._i2, frame._i3, frame._i4);
new QLine(frame._f1, frame._f2, frame._f3, frame._f4) :
new QLine(frame._i1, frame._i2, frame._i3, frame._i4);
public static explicit operator Frame(int i) => new Frame(i);
public static explicit operator Frame(float f) => new Frame(f);
public static implicit operator Frame(Command cmd) => new Frame(cmd);
public static implicit operator Frame(in QuikVec2 vector) => new Frame(vector.X, vector.Y);
public static implicit operator Frame(in QuikColor color) => new Frame(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
public static implicit operator Frame(in QuikRectangle rect) => new Frame(rect.Max.X, rect.Max.Y, rect.Min.X, rect.Min.Y);
public static implicit operator Frame(in QuikLine line) => new Frame(line.Start.X, line.Start.Y, line.End.X, line.Start.Y);
public static implicit operator Frame(in QVec2 vector) => new Frame(vector.X, vector.Y);
public static implicit operator Frame(in QColor color) => new Frame(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
public static implicit operator Frame(in QRectangle rect) => new Frame(rect.Max.X, rect.Max.Y, rect.Min.X, rect.Min.Y);
public static implicit operator Frame(in QLine line) => new Frame(line.Start.X, line.Start.Y, line.End.X, line.Start.Y);
public static void Create(in QuikBezier bezier, out Frame a, out Frame b)
public static void Create(in QBezier bezier, out Frame a, out Frame b)
a = new Frame(bezier.Start.X, bezier.Start.Y, bezier.End.X, bezier.End.Y);
b = new Frame(bezier.ControlA.X, bezier.ControlA.Y, bezier.ControlB.X, bezier.ControlB.Y);
public static void Create(in QuikEllipse ellipse, out Frame a, out Frame b)
public static void Create(in QEllipse ellipse, out Frame a, out Frame b)
a = new Frame(ellipse.Center.X, ellipse.Center.Y);
b = new Frame(ellipse.AxisA.X, ellipse.AxisA.Y, ellipse.AxisB.X, ellipse.AxisB.Y);
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
using Quik.CommandMachine;
using Quik.Typography;
namespace Quik.Controls
@ -60,46 +61,47 @@ namespace Quik.Controls
protected override void OnPaint(QuikDraw draw)
protected override void OnPaint(CommandQueue draw)
QuikRectangle bounds = AbsoluteBounds;
QRectangle bounds = AbsoluteBounds;
switch (_class)
case ButtonClass.Normal:
draw.Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandRectangle(bounds) {
StrokeStyle = NormalStroke,
FillStyle = NormalFill
case ButtonClass.Hover:
draw.Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandRectangle(bounds) {
StrokeStyle = HoverStroke,
FillStyle = HoverFill
case ButtonClass.Active:
draw.Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandRectangle(bounds) {
StrokeStyle = ActiveStroke,
FillStyle = ActiveFill
// draw.Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandRectangle(bounds) {
// StrokeStyle = NormalStroke,
// FillStyle = NormalFill
// });
// case ButtonClass.Hover:
// draw.Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandRectangle(bounds) {
// StrokeStyle = HoverStroke,
// FillStyle = HoverFill
// });
// break;
// case ButtonClass.Active:
// draw.Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandRectangle(bounds) {
// StrokeStyle = ActiveStroke,
// FillStyle = ActiveFill
// });
// break;
// Position the text so that it is centered.
float ascender = Root.Context.DefaultFont.Ascender;
float descender = -Root.Context.DefaultFont.Descender;
QuikVec2 position =
bounds.Min +
new QuikVec2(
(bounds.Size.Y - ascender - descender) /
+ descender);
// float ascender = Root.Context.DefaultFont.Ascender;
// float descender = -Root.Context.DefaultFont.Descender;
// QuikVec2 position =
// bounds.Min +
// new QuikVec2(
// Padding,
// (
// (bounds.Size.Y - ascender - descender) /
// 2)
// + descender);
draw.PutText(Text, position);
// draw.PutText(Text, position);
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Quik.CommandMachine;
namespace Quik.Controls
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ namespace Quik.Controls
internal override void NotifyPaint(QuikDraw draw)
internal override void NotifyPaint(CommandQueue draw)
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System;
using Quik.CommandMachine;
namespace Quik.Controls
@ -10,18 +11,18 @@ namespace Quik.Controls
protected RootControl Root { get; set; } = null;
public QuikRectangle Bounds { get; set; }
public QRectangle Bounds { get; set; }
public bool Focused { get => Root.FocusedControl == this; }
public QuikRectangle AbsoluteBounds
public QRectangle AbsoluteBounds
get => Parent is null
? Bounds
: new QuikRectangle(Parent.Bounds.Min + Bounds.Max, Parent.Bounds.Min + Bounds.Min);
: new QRectangle(Parent.Bounds.Min + Bounds.Max, Parent.Bounds.Min + Bounds.Min);
set => Bounds = Parent is null
? value
: new QuikRectangle(value.Min - Parent.Bounds.Min, value.Max - Parent.Bounds.Min);
: new QRectangle(value.Min - Parent.Bounds.Min, value.Max - Parent.Bounds.Min);
private MouseButton DownButtons;
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ namespace Quik.Controls
// Hierarchy events.
public event EventHandler Update;
public event EventHandler<QuikDraw> Paint;
public event EventHandler<CommandQueue> Paint;
public event EventHandler<RootChangedEventArgs> RootChanging;
public event EventHandler<ParentChangedEventArgs> ParentChanging;
public event EventHandler<FocusChangedEventArgs> FocusLost;
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ namespace Quik.Controls
public event EventHandler<MouseMoveEventArgs> MouseLeave;
protected virtual void OnUpdate() => Update?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
protected virtual void OnPaint(QuikDraw draw) => Paint?.Invoke(this, draw);
protected virtual void OnPaint(CommandQueue draw) => Paint?.Invoke(this, draw);
protected virtual void OnParentChanging(ParentChangedEventArgs args) => ParentChanging?.Invoke(this, args);
protected virtual void OnRootChanging(RootChangedEventArgs args) => RootChanging?.Invoke(this, args);
protected virtual void OnFocusLost(FocusChangedEventArgs args) => FocusLost?.Invoke(this, args);
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ namespace Quik.Controls
internal virtual void NotifyPaint(QuikDraw draw)
internal virtual void NotifyPaint(CommandQueue draw)
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ namespace Quik.Controls
internal virtual void NotifyMouseMove(MouseMoveEventArgs args)
QuikRectangle bounds = AbsoluteBounds;
QRectangle bounds = AbsoluteBounds;
if (bounds.Contains(args.AbsolutePosition))
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
using Quik.CommandMachine;
using Quik.Typography;
namespace Quik.Controls
@ -11,26 +12,26 @@ namespace Quik.Controls
public QuikFont Font { get; set; }
protected override void OnPaint(QuikDraw draw)
if (MultiLine)
QuikRectangle absolute = AbsoluteBounds;
QuikVec2 paddingVector = new QuikVec2(Padding, Padding);
QuikRectangle rectangle;
rectangle.Min = absolute.Min + paddingVector;
rectangle.Max = absolute.Min - paddingVector;
// protected override void OnPaint(CommandQueue draw)
// {
// if (MultiLine)
// {
// QuikRectangle absolute = AbsoluteBounds;
// QuikVec2 paddingVector = new QuikVec2(Padding, Padding);
// QuikRectangle rectangle;
// rectangle.Min = absolute.Min + paddingVector;
// rectangle.Max = absolute.Min - paddingVector;
// FIXME: For now use a puttext command.
draw.PutText(Text, rectangle.Min + new QuikVec2(0, rectangle.Size.Y / 3f));
// // FIXME: For now use a puttext command.
// draw.PutText(Text, rectangle.Min + new QuikVec2(0, rectangle.Size.Y / 3f));
// draw.FlowText(Text, rectangle);
QuikVec2 position = AbsoluteBounds.Min + new QuikVec2(Padding, Padding + AbsoluteBounds.Size.Y / 3f);
draw.PutText(Text, position);
// // draw.FlowText(Text, rectangle);
// }
// else
// {
// QuikVec2 position = AbsoluteBounds.Min + new QuikVec2(Padding, Padding + AbsoluteBounds.Size.Y / 3f);
// draw.PutText(Text, position);
// }
// }
@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
using Quik.CommandMachine;
namespace Quik.Controls
public sealed class RootControl : Container
public QuikContext Context { get; }
// public QuikContext Context { get; }
public Control FocusedControl { get; private set; }
public RootControl(QuikContext context)
public RootControl(object context)
Context = context;
// Context = context;
public void Focus(Control which)
@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ namespace Quik.Controls
public new void NotifyPaint(QuikDraw draw)
public new void NotifyPaint(CommandQueue draw)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace Quik
/// <param name="size">Size of the texture data.</param>
/// <param name="level">Mip level.</param>
/// <param name="alignment">Pixel alignment. Expected to be 1, 2, 4, or 8.</param>
public abstract void Image(IntPtr data, QuikImageFormat format, QuikVec2 size, int level, int alignment = 4);
public abstract void Image(IntPtr data, QuikImageFormat format, QVec2 size, int level, int alignment = 4);
/// <summary>
/// Upload texture data.
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace Quik
/// <param name="location">Location of the data in the texture.</param>
/// <param name="level">Mip level.</param>
/// <param name="alignment">Pixel alignment. Expected to be 1, 2, 4, or 8.</param>
public abstract void SubImage(IntPtr data, QuikImageFormat format, QuikRectangle location, int level, int alignment = 4);
public abstract void SubImage(IntPtr data, QuikImageFormat format, QRectangle location, int level, int alignment = 4);
/// <summary>
/// Generate the mip maps for the texture.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace Quik
/// <summary>
/// The context that owns the texture manager.
/// </summary>
QuikContext Context { get; set; }
// QuikContext Context { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a texture.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace Quik
/// All parameters are hints. If there is a situation where the texture does not
/// have mip levels, or format cannot be specified, ignore these parameters.
/// </remarks>
QuikTexture CreateTexture(QuikVec2 size, bool mipmaps, QuikImageFormat format);
QuikTexture CreateTexture(QVec2 size, bool mipmaps, QuikImageFormat format);
/// <summary>
/// A function called on context clear. (useful for discarding old textures)
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ namespace Quik
public struct MouseState
public readonly QuikVec2 AbsolutePosition;
public readonly QVec2 AbsolutePosition;
public readonly MouseButton ButtonsDown;
public MouseState(QuikVec2 position, MouseButton down)
public MouseState(QVec2 position, MouseButton down)
AbsolutePosition = position;
ButtonsDown = down;
@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ namespace Quik
public class MouseButtonEventArgs : EventArgs
public QuikVec2 AbsolutePosition { get; }
public QVec2 AbsolutePosition { get; }
public MouseButton Buttons { get; }
public MouseButtonEventArgs(QuikVec2 position, MouseButton buttons)
public MouseButtonEventArgs(QVec2 position, MouseButton buttons)
AbsolutePosition = position;
Buttons = buttons;
public QuikVec2 RelativePosition(QuikVec2 origin)
public QVec2 RelativePosition(QVec2 origin)
return AbsolutePosition - origin;
public QuikVec2 RelativePosition(Controls.Control control)
public QVec2 RelativePosition(Controls.Control control)
return AbsolutePosition - control.AbsoluteBounds.Min;
@ -50,23 +50,23 @@ namespace Quik
public class MouseMoveEventArgs : EventArgs
public QuikVec2 AbsolutePosition { get; }
public QuikVec2 LastPosition { get; }
public QuikVec2 Motion { get; }
public QVec2 AbsolutePosition { get; }
public QVec2 LastPosition { get; }
public QVec2 Motion { get; }
public MouseMoveEventArgs(QuikVec2 position, QuikVec2 lastPosition)
public MouseMoveEventArgs(QVec2 position, QVec2 lastPosition)
AbsolutePosition = position;
LastPosition = lastPosition;
Motion = position - lastPosition;
public QuikVec2 RelativePosition(QuikVec2 origin)
public QVec2 RelativePosition(QVec2 origin)
return AbsolutePosition - origin;
public QuikVec2 RelativePosition(Controls.Control control)
public QVec2 RelativePosition(Controls.Control control)
return AbsolutePosition - control.AbsoluteBounds.Min;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Quik
public class QuikApplication
@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
namespace Quik
/// <summary>
/// Enumeration of QUIK commands.
/// </summary>
public enum QuikCommandType
/// <summary>
/// Nothing.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="QuikCommandNone"/>
/// <summary>
/// Set a mask region.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Draw a line.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="QuikCommandLine"/>
/// <summary>
/// Draw multiple lines.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Draw a Bezier curve.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Draw a rectangle.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Draw multiple rectangles.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Draw an ellipse.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Draw multiple ellipses.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Draw a triangle.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Draw multiple triangles.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Draw a polygon.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Put a character.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Put text.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Flow text in box.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Clear the image mask.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Create an image mask with the following commands.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// End the image mask commands.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Draw an image.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Begin defining custom commands after this value.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="QuikCommand"/>
CustomCommandRange = 1024,
/// <summary>
/// A single QUIK command.
/// </summary>
public abstract class QuikCommand
/// <summary>
/// The type ID for the QUIK command.
/// </summary>
public abstract QuikCommandType Type { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Does nothing.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandNone : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.None;
public sealed class QuikCommandMask : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Mask;
public QuikRectangle Bounds { get; }
public QuikCommandMask(QuikRectangle bounds)
Bounds = bounds;
/// <summary>
/// Draws a line.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandLine : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Line;
/// <summary>
/// The line to draw.
/// </summary>
public QuikLine Line { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Stroke style of the line.
/// </summary>
public QuikStrokeStyle Style { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a draw line command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">The line to draw.</param>
public QuikCommandLine(QuikLine line)
Line = line;
/// <summary>
/// Draw multiple lines.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandLines : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Lines;
/// <summary>
/// The array of lines to draw.
/// </summary>
public QuikLine[] Lines { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Stroke style of the lines.
/// </summary>
public QuikStrokeStyle Style { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a draw lines command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lines">The lines to draw.</param>
public QuikCommandLines(QuikLine[] lines)
Lines = lines;
/// <summary>
/// Draw a Bezier curve.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandBezier : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Bezier;
/// <summary>
/// The Bezier curve segments to draw.
/// </summary>
public QuikBezier[] Segments;
/// <summary>
/// Stroke style of the curve.
/// </summary>
public QuikStrokeStyle Style { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a draw Bezier curve command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="segments">The Bezier curve segments to draw.</param>
public QuikCommandBezier(QuikBezier[] segments)
Segments = segments;
/// <summary>
/// Draw a rectangle.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandRectangle : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Rectangle;
/// <summary>
/// The rectangle to draw.
/// </summary>
public QuikRectangle Rectangle { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Stroke style of the border.
/// </summary>
public QuikStrokeStyle StrokeStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Fill style of the contents.
/// </summary>
public QuikFillStyle FillStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Radius for round corners.
/// </summary>
public float CornerRadius { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a draw rectangle command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rectangle">The rectangle to draw.</param>
public QuikCommandRectangle(QuikRectangle rectangle)
Rectangle = rectangle;
/// <summary>
/// Draw rectangles.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandRectangles : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Rectangles;
/// <summary>
/// The rectangles to draw.
/// </summary>
public QuikRectangle[] Rectangles { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Stroke style of the border.
/// </summary>
public QuikStrokeStyle StrokeStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Fill style of the contents.
/// </summary>
public QuikFillStyle FillStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Radius for round corners.
/// </summary>
public float CornerRadius { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a draw rectangles commands.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rectangles">The rectangles to draw.</param>
public QuikCommandRectangles(QuikRectangle[] rectangles)
Rectangles = rectangles;
/// <summary>
/// Draw an ellipse.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandEllipse : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Ellipse;
/// <summary>
/// The ellipse to draw.
/// </summary>
public QuikEllipse Ellipse { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Stroke style of the border.
/// </summary>
public QuikStrokeStyle StrokeStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Fill style of the contents.
/// </summary>
public QuikFillStyle FillStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a draw ellipse command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ellipse">The ellipse to draw.</param>
public QuikCommandEllipse(QuikEllipse ellipse)
Ellipse = ellipse;
/// <summary>
/// Draw ellipses.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandEllipses : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Ellipses;
/// <summary>
/// The ellipses to draw.
/// </summary>
public QuikEllipse[] Ellipses { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Stroke style of the border.
/// </summary>
public QuikStrokeStyle StrokeStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Fill style of the contents.
/// </summary>
public QuikFillStyle FillStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a draw ellipses command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ellipses">The ellipses to draw.</param>
public QuikCommandEllipses(QuikEllipse[] ellipses)
Ellipses = ellipses;
/// <summary>
/// Create a draw triangle command.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandTriangle : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Triangle;
/// <summary>
/// The triangle to draw.
/// </summary>
public QuikTriangle Triangle { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Stroke style of the border.
/// </summary>
public QuikStrokeStyle StrokeStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Fill style of the contents.
/// </summary>
public QuikFillStyle FillStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a draw triangle command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="triangle">The triangles to draw.</param>
public QuikCommandTriangle(QuikTriangle triangle)
Triangle = triangle;
/// <summary>
/// Draw triangles.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandTriangles : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Triangles;
/// <summary>
/// The triangles to draw.
/// </summary>
public QuikTriangle[] Triangles { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Stroke style of the border.
/// </summary>
public QuikStrokeStyle StrokeStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Fill style of the contents.
/// </summary>
public QuikFillStyle FillStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a draw triangles command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="triangles">The triangles to draw.</param>
public QuikCommandTriangles(QuikTriangle[] triangles)
Triangles = triangles;
/// <summary>
/// Draw a polygon.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Behavior is defined by rendering backend for concave polygons.</remarks>
public sealed class QuikCommandPolygon : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Polygon;
/// <summary>
/// The vertices that make up the polygon.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2[] Polygon { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Stroke style of the border.
/// </summary>
public QuikStrokeStyle StrokeStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Fill style of the contents.
/// </summary>
public QuikFillStyle FillStyle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a draw polygon command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="polygon">The polygon to draw.</param>
public QuikCommandPolygon(QuikVec2[] polygon)
Polygon = polygon;
/// <summary>
/// Put a character.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandPutChar : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.PutChar;
/// <summary>
/// The character to put.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This field is integer to accomodate for surrogate pairs.</remarks>
public int Character { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The baseline start position of the character.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 Position { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a put character command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="character">The character to put.</param>
/// <param name="position">The baseline start position of the character.</param>
public QuikCommandPutChar(int character, QuikVec2 position)
Character = character;
Position = position;
/// <summary>
/// Create a put character command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="character">The character to put.</param>
/// <param name="position">The baseline start position of the character.</param>
public QuikCommandPutChar(char character, QuikVec2 position) : this((int) character, position)
/// <summary>
/// Put some text.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandPutText : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.PutText;
/// <summary>
/// The text to put.
/// </summary>
public string Text { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The baseline start position of the text.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 Position { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a put text command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">The text to put.</param>
/// <param name="position">The baseline start position of the text.</param>
public QuikCommandPutText(string text, QuikVec2 position)
Text = text;
Position = position;
/// <summary>
/// Flow text into a box.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandFlowText : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.FlowText;
/// <summary>
/// The text to flow.
/// </summary>
public string Text { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The flowing box boundaries.
/// </summary>
public QuikRectangle Bounds { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a flow text command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">The text to flow.</param>
/// <param name="bounds">The flowing box boundaries.</param>
public QuikCommandFlowText(string text, QuikRectangle bounds)
Text = text;
Bounds = bounds;
/// <summary>
/// Emit previously typeset text.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandEmitText : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.EmitTypeset;
/// <summary>
/// The typeset group to emit.
/// </summary>
public Typography.TypesetGroup Group { get; }
public QuikVec2 Offset { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Create an emit typeset text command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="group">The typeset group to emit.</param>
public QuikCommandEmitText(Typography.TypesetGroup group)
Group = group;
Offset = new QuikVec2(0, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Create an emit typeset text command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="group">The typeset group to emit.</param>
/// <param name="offset">The offset to emit at.</param>
public QuikCommandEmitText(Typography.TypesetGroup group, QuikVec2 offset)
Group = group;
Offset = offset;
/// <summary>
/// Clear the stencil buffer.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandStencilClear : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.StencilMaskClear;
/// <summary>
/// Begin rendering to the stencil buffer.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandStencilBegin : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.StencilMaskBegin;
/// <summary>
/// End rendering to the stencil buffer.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandStencilEnd : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.StencilMaskEnd;
/// <summary>
/// Draw an image.
/// </summary>
public sealed class QuikCommandImage : QuikCommand
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override QuikCommandType Type => QuikCommandType.Image;
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
using Quik.Typography;
namespace Quik
/// <summary>
/// An object which QUIK commands may be issued to.
/// </summary>
public class QuikContext
/// <summary>
/// Draw queue.
/// </summary>
public QuikDraw Draw { get; } = new QuikDraw();
/// <summary>
/// The object responsible for managing textures.
/// </summary>
public IQuikTextureManager TextureManager { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The object responsible for managing fonts.
/// </summary>
public IQuikFontManager FontManager { get; }
public QuikStrokeStyle DefaultStroke { get; set; } = new QuikStrokeStyle(new QuikColor(0xaaaaaaff), 4);
public QuikFillStyle DefaultFill { get; set; } = new QuikFillStyle()
Color = new QuikColor(0xeeeeeeff)
public QuikFont DefaultFont { get; set; }
public QuikContext(IQuikTextureManager textureManager, IQuikFontManager fontManager)
TextureManager = textureManager;
FontManager = fontManager;
TextureManager.Context = FontManager.Context = this;
/// <summary>
/// Clear the context.
/// </summary>
public void Clear()
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
namespace Quik
/// <summary>
/// QUIK draw command provider.
/// </summary>
public class QuikDraw
/// <summary>
/// The draw command queue.
/// </summary>
public Queue<QuikCommand> Commands { get; } = new Queue<QuikCommand>();
public void Clear() => Commands.Clear();
public void Mask(QuikRectangle bounds) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandMask(bounds));
public void Line(QuikLine line) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandLine(line));
public void Line(params QuikLine[] lines) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandLines(lines));
public void Line(IEnumerable<QuikLine> lines) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandLines(lines.ToArray()));
public void Bezier(params QuikBezier[] curve) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandBezier(curve));
public void Bezier(IEnumerable<QuikBezier> curve) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandBezier(curve.ToArray()));
public void Rectangle(QuikRectangle rectangle) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandRectangle(rectangle));
public void Rectangle(params QuikRectangle[] rectangles) =>
Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandRectangles(rectangles));
public void Rectangle(IEnumerable<QuikRectangle> rectangles) =>
Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandRectangles(rectangles.ToArray()));
public void Triangle(QuikTriangle triangle) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandTriangle(triangle));
public void Triangle(params QuikTriangle[] triangles) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandTriangles(triangles));
public void Triangle(IEnumerable<QuikTriangle> triangles) =>
Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandTriangles(triangles.ToArray()));
public void Polygon(params QuikVec2[] polygon) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandPolygon(polygon));
public void Polygon(IEnumerable<QuikVec2> polygon) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandPolygon(polygon.ToArray()));
public void StencilClear() => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandStencilClear());
public void StencilBegin() => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandStencilBegin());
public void StencilEnd() => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandStencilEnd());
public void PutChar(char chr, QuikVec2 position) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandPutChar(chr, position));
public void PutText(string text, QuikVec2 position) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandPutText(text, position));
public void FlowText(string text, QuikRectangle bounds) => Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandFlowText(text, bounds));
@ -8,69 +8,69 @@ namespace Quik
/// A 2 dimensional Vector.
/// </summary>
[DebuggerDisplay("({X}, {Y})")]
public struct QuikVec2
public struct QVec2
public float X;
public float Y;
public float Magnitude => MathF.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y);
public QuikVec2(float x, float y)
public QVec2(float x, float y)
X = x;
Y = y;
public QuikVec2 Normalize() => this * (1.0f / Magnitude);
public QVec2 Normalize() => this * (1.0f / Magnitude);
public float Atan2() => MathF.Atan2(Y, X);
public static QuikVec2 operator +(QuikVec2 a, QuikVec2 b)
public static QVec2 operator +(QVec2 a, QVec2 b)
return new QuikVec2()
return new QVec2()
X = a.X + b.X,
Y = a.Y + b.Y
public static QuikVec2 operator -(QuikVec2 a)
public static QVec2 operator -(QVec2 a)
return new QuikVec2()
return new QVec2()
X = -a.X,
Y = -a.Y
public static QuikVec2 operator -(QuikVec2 a, QuikVec2 b)
public static QVec2 operator -(QVec2 a, QVec2 b)
return new QuikVec2()
return new QVec2()
X = a.X - b.X,
Y = a.Y - b.Y
public static QuikVec2 operator *(float a, QuikVec2 b)
public static QVec2 operator *(float a, QVec2 b)
return new QuikVec2()
return new QVec2()
X = a * b.X,
Y = a * b.Y
public static QuikVec2 operator *(QuikVec2 a, float b) => b * a;
public static QVec2 operator *(QVec2 a, float b) => b * a;
public static bool operator ==(QuikVec2 a, QuikVec2 b) => a.X == b.X && a.Y == b.Y;
public static bool operator ==(QVec2 a, QVec2 b) => a.X == b.X && a.Y == b.Y;
public static bool operator !=(QuikVec2 a, QuikVec2 b) => a.X != b.X || a.Y != b.Y;
public static bool operator !=(QVec2 a, QVec2 b) => a.X != b.X || a.Y != b.Y;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is QuikVec2)
if (obj is QVec2)
return (QuikVec2) obj == this;
return (QVec2) obj == this;
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace Quik
return 63671 * X.GetHashCode() ^ 81083 * Y.GetHashCode();
public static float Dot(QuikVec2 a, QuikVec2 b)
public static float Dot(QVec2 a, QVec2 b)
return a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace Quik
/// A RGBA color value.
/// </summary>
[DebuggerDisplay("({R}, {G}, {B}, {A})")]
public struct QuikColor
public struct QColor
/// <summary>
/// Red channel.
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace Quik
/// </summary>
public byte A;
public QuikColor(byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
public QColor(byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
R = r;
G = g;
@ -120,52 +120,52 @@ namespace Quik
A = a;
public QuikColor(byte r, byte g, byte b) : this(r, g, b, 1) { }
public QColor(byte r, byte g, byte b) : this(r, g, b, 1) { }
public QuikColor(uint hexCode)
public QColor(uint hexCode)
R = (byte)((hexCode >> 24) & 0xFF);
G = (byte)((hexCode >> 16) & 0xFF);
B = (byte)((hexCode >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
A = (byte)((hexCode >> 0 ) & 0xFF);
public QuikColor(int hexCode) : this((uint)hexCode) { }
public QColor(int hexCode) : this((uint)hexCode) { }
public static readonly QuikColor Black = new QuikColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
public static readonly QuikColor Red = new QuikColor(255, 0, 0, 255);
public static readonly QuikColor Green = new QuikColor(0, 255, 0, 255);
public static readonly QuikColor Blue = new QuikColor(0, 0, 255, 255);
public static readonly QuikColor Yellow = new QuikColor(255, 255, 0, 255);
public static readonly QuikColor Cyan = new QuikColor(0, 255, 255, 255);
public static readonly QuikColor Magenta = new QuikColor(255, 0, 255, 255);
public static readonly QuikColor White = new QuikColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
public static readonly QColor Black = new QColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
public static readonly QColor Red = new QColor(255, 0, 0, 255);
public static readonly QColor Green = new QColor(0, 255, 0, 255);
public static readonly QColor Blue = new QColor(0, 0, 255, 255);
public static readonly QColor Yellow = new QColor(255, 255, 0, 255);
public static readonly QColor Cyan = new QColor(0, 255, 255, 255);
public static readonly QColor Magenta = new QColor(255, 0, 255, 255);
public static readonly QColor White = new QColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
/// <summary>
/// A bezier curve segment.
/// </summary>
[DebuggerDisplay("{Start} -- {ControlA} -- {ControlB} -- {End}")]
public struct QuikBezier
public struct QBezier
/// <summary>
/// Segment start point.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 Start;
public QVec2 Start;
/// <summary>
/// Start point control point.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 ControlA;
public QVec2 ControlA;
/// <summary>
/// End point control point.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 ControlB;
public QVec2 ControlB;
/// <summary>
/// Segment end point.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 End;
public QVec2 End;
/// <summary>
/// An approximation of the arc length of the bezier curve, for calculating rasterization resolution.
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ namespace Quik
0.5f * (End - Start).Magnitude +
0.5f * ((ControlA - Start).Magnitude + (ControlB - ControlA).Magnitude + (End - ControlB).Magnitude);
public QuikBezier(QuikVec2 start, QuikVec2 controlA, QuikVec2 controlB, QuikVec2 end)
public QBezier(QVec2 start, QVec2 controlA, QVec2 controlB, QVec2 end)
Start = start;
ControlA = controlA;
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ namespace Quik
End = end;
public QuikBezier(
public QBezier(
float startX,
float startY,
float controlAx,
@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ namespace Quik
float endX,
float endY)
: this(
new QuikVec2(startX, startY),
new QuikVec2(controlAx, controlAy),
new QuikVec2(controlBx, controlBy),
new QuikVec2(endX, endY))
new QVec2(startX, startY),
new QVec2(controlAx, controlAy),
new QVec2(controlBx, controlBy),
new QVec2(endX, endY))
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ namespace Quik
/// </summary>
/// <param name="t">Control parameter (between 0 and 1)</param>
/// <returns>The point on the curve.</returns>
public QuikVec2 GetBezierPoint(float t)
public QVec2 GetBezierPoint(float t)
float T = 1 - t;
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ namespace Quik
/// </summary>
/// <param name="t">Control parameter (between 0 and 1)</param>
/// <returns>The tangent curve.</returns>
public QuikVec2 GetBezierTangent(float t)
public QVec2 GetBezierTangent(float t)
float T = 1 - t;
@ -230,10 +230,10 @@ namespace Quik
internal QuikVec2 GetBezierNormal(float t)
internal QVec2 GetBezierNormal(float t)
QuikVec2 tangent = GetBezierTangent(t);
return new QuikVec2(-tangent.Y, tangent.X);
QVec2 tangent = GetBezierTangent(t);
return new QVec2(-tangent.Y, tangent.X);
@ -241,25 +241,25 @@ namespace Quik
/// A line segment.
/// </summary>
[DebuggerDisplay("{Start} -- {End}")]
public struct QuikLine
public struct QLine
/// <summary>
/// Start point.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 Start;
public QVec2 Start;
/// <summary>
/// End point.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 End;
public QVec2 End;
public QuikLine(QuikVec2 start, QuikVec2 end)
public QLine(QVec2 start, QVec2 end)
Start = start;
End = end;
public QuikLine(float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY)
public QLine(float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY)
Start.X = startX;
Start.Y = startY;
@ -267,12 +267,12 @@ namespace Quik
End.Y = endY;
public QuikVec2 Normal()
public QVec2 Normal()
QuikVec2 tangent = Tangent();
return new QuikVec2(-tangent.Y, tangent.X);
QVec2 tangent = Tangent();
return new QVec2(-tangent.Y, tangent.X);
public QuikVec2 Tangent()
public QVec2 Tangent()
return (End - Start).Normalize();
@ -282,17 +282,17 @@ namespace Quik
/// A rectangle.
/// </summary>
[DebuggerDisplay("({Right}, {Top}, {Left}, {Bottom})")]
public struct QuikRectangle
public struct QRectangle
/// <summary>
/// Rectangle maximum point.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 Max;
public QVec2 Max;
/// <summary>
/// Rectangle minimum point.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 Min;
public QVec2 Min;
public float Left
@ -318,39 +318,39 @@ namespace Quik
set => Min.Y = value;
public QuikVec2 Size
public QVec2 Size
get => Max - Min;
set => Max = Min + value;
public QuikRectangle(QuikVec2 max, QuikVec2 min)
public QRectangle(QVec2 max, QVec2 min)
Max = max;
Min = min;
public QuikRectangle(float r, float t, float l, float b)
public QRectangle(float r, float t, float l, float b)
Max = new QuikVec2() {X = r, Y = t};
Min = new QuikVec2() {X = l, Y = b};
Max = new QVec2() {X = r, Y = t};
Min = new QVec2() {X = l, Y = b};
public bool Contains(QuikVec2 point)
public bool Contains(QVec2 point)
point.X > Left && point.X < Right &&
point.Y > Bottom && point.Y < Top;
internal void Translate(in QuikVec2 offset)
internal void Translate(in QVec2 offset)
Min += offset;
Max += offset;
public static QuikRectangle Intersect(in QuikRectangle a, in QuikRectangle b) =>
new QuikRectangle(
public static QRectangle Intersect(in QRectangle a, in QRectangle b) =>
new QRectangle(
Math.Min(a.Right, b.Right),
Math.Min(a.Top, b.Top),
Math.Max(a.Left, b.Left),
@ -363,43 +363,43 @@ namespace Quik
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>It is undefined to have an ellipse with non-orthogonal axes.</remarks>
[DebuggerDisplay("{Center} ellipse {AxisA}; {AxisB}")]
public struct QuikEllipse
public struct QEllipse
/// <summary>
/// Ellipse center point.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 Center;
public QVec2 Center;
/// <summary>
/// First ellipse axis.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 AxisA;
public QVec2 AxisA;
/// <summary>
/// Second ellipse axis.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 AxisB;
public QVec2 AxisB;
/// <summary>
/// A triangle.
/// </summary>
[DebuggerDisplay("{A} -- {B} -- {C}")]
public struct QuikTriangle
public struct QTriangle
/// <summary>
/// First vertex.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 A;
public QVec2 A;
/// <summary>
/// Second vertex.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 B;
public QVec2 B;
/// <summary>
/// Third vertex.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 C;
public QVec2 C;
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ namespace Quik
public abstract object this[string key] { get; set; }
public QuikColor? Color
public QColor? Color
get => (QuikColor?)this["color"];
get => (QColor?)this["color"];
set => this["color"] = value;
@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ namespace Quik
set => this["stroke-width"] = value;
public QuikColor? StrokeColor
public QColor? StrokeColor
get => (QuikColor?)this["stroke-color"];
get => (QColor?)this["stroke-color"];
set => this["stroke-color"] = value;
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ namespace Quik
/// <summary>
/// Stroke color.
/// </summary>
public QuikColor Color { get; set; }
public QColor Color { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Stroke width.
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ namespace Quik
public QuikStrokeStyle(QuikColor color, float width /*, QuikStipplePattern pattern*/)
public QuikStrokeStyle(QColor color, float width /*, QuikStipplePattern pattern*/)
Color = color;
Width = width;
@ -269,6 +269,6 @@ namespace Quik
/// </summary>
public class QuikFillStyle
public QuikColor Color { get; set; }
public QColor Color { get; set; }
@ -13,35 +13,35 @@ namespace Quik.Typography
/// <summary>
/// Location of the glyph on the atlas.
/// </summary>
public QuikRectangle Location { get; }
public QRectangle Location { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Size of the glyph in units.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 Size { get; }
public QVec2 Size { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Bearing vector for horizontal layout.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 HorizontalBearing { get; }
public QVec2 HorizontalBearing { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Bearing vector for vertical layout.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 VerticalBearing { get; }
public QVec2 VerticalBearing { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Advance vector for vertical and horizontal layouts.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 Advance { get; }
public QVec2 Advance { get; }
public QuikGlyph(
int character,
QuikRectangle location,
QuikVec2 size,
QuikVec2 horizontalBearing,
QuikVec2 verticalBearing,
QuikVec2 advance)
QRectangle location,
QVec2 size,
QVec2 horizontalBearing,
QVec2 verticalBearing,
QVec2 advance)
Character = character;
Location = location;
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ namespace Quik.Typography
int index = 0;
bool firstLine = true;
QuikVec2 pen = new QuikVec2(0, -PreSpace);
QVec2 pen = new QVec2(0, -PreSpace);
while (index < Blocks.Count)
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ namespace Quik.Typography
pen.Y -= PostSpace;
group.BoundingBox = new QuikRectangle(width, 0, 0, pen.Y);
group.BoundingBox = new QRectangle(width, 0, 0, pen.Y);
@ -263,9 +263,9 @@ namespace Quik.Typography
TypesetGroup group,
Queue<HorizontalTextBlock> line,
float interblockWs,
ref QuikVec2 pen)
ref QVec2 pen)
QuikVec2 penpal = pen;
QVec2 penpal = pen;
while (line.TryDequeue(out HorizontalTextBlock block))
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ namespace Quik.Typography
new TypesetCharacter(
new QuikRectangle(
new QRectangle(
penpal.X + metrics.Advance.X,
penpal.Y + metrics.HorizontalBearing.Y,
penpal.X + metrics.HorizontalBearing.X,
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ namespace Quik.Typography
new TypesetCharacter(
new QuikRectangle(
new QRectangle(
penpal.X + metrics.Advance.X,
penpal.Y + metrics.HorizontalBearing.Y,
penpal.X + metrics.HorizontalBearing.X,
@ -353,14 +353,14 @@ namespace Quik.Typography
public int Character;
public QuikTexture Texture;
public QuikRectangle Position;
public QuikRectangle UV;
public QRectangle Position;
public QRectangle UV;
public TypesetCharacter(
int chr,
QuikTexture texture,
in QuikRectangle position,
in QuikRectangle uv)
in QRectangle position,
in QRectangle uv)
Character = chr;
Texture = texture;
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ namespace Quik.Typography
private int _count = 0;
private TypesetCharacter[] _array = Array.Empty<TypesetCharacter>();
public QuikRectangle BoundingBox;
public QRectangle BoundingBox;
public int Count => _count;
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ namespace Quik.Typography
_count = 0;
public void Translate(QuikVec2 offset)
public void Translate(QVec2 offset)
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
private readonly List<DrawCall> _drawCalls = new List<DrawCall>();
private int _start;
private int _baseOffset;
private QuikRectangle _bounds;
private QRectangle _bounds;
private QuikTexture _texture;
public int ZDepth { get; private set; }
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
public void StartDrawCall(in QuikRectangle bounds, QuikTexture texture, int baseOffset)
public void StartDrawCall(in QRectangle bounds, QuikTexture texture, int baseOffset)
_start = ElementCount;
_texture = texture;
@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
public void StartDrawCall(in QuikRectangle bounds) => StartDrawCall(bounds, null, _vertices.Count);
public void StartDrawCall(in QRectangle bounds) => StartDrawCall(bounds, null, _vertices.Count);
public void StartDrawCall(in QuikRectangle bounds, int baseOffset) => StartDrawCall(bounds, null, baseOffset);
public void StartDrawCall(in QRectangle bounds, int baseOffset) => StartDrawCall(bounds, null, baseOffset);
public void StartDrawCall(in QuikRectangle bounds, QuikTexture texture) => StartDrawCall(bounds, texture, _vertices.Count);
public void StartDrawCall(in QRectangle bounds, QuikTexture texture) => StartDrawCall(bounds, texture, _vertices.Count);
public void AddVertex(in QuikVertex vertex)
@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
public int Start { get; }
public int Count { get; }
public QuikRectangle Bounds { get; }
public QRectangle Bounds { get; }
public QuikTexture Texture { get; }
public DrawCall(int start, int count, in QuikRectangle bounds, QuikTexture texture)
public DrawCall(int start, int count, in QRectangle bounds, QuikTexture texture)
Start = start;
Count = count;
@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
/// <summary>
/// Position value.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 Position;
public QVec2 Position;
/// <summary>
/// Texture Coordinates.
/// </summary>
public QuikVec2 TextureCoordinates;
public QVec2 TextureCoordinates;
/// <summary>
/// Per vertex color value.
/// </summary>
public QuikColor Color;
public QColor Color;
/// <summary>
/// Per vertex depth index value.
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
public int ZIndex;
public static int PositionOffset => 0;
public static unsafe int TextureCoordinatesOffset => sizeof(QuikVec2);
public static unsafe int ColorOffset => 2 * sizeof(QuikVec2);
public static unsafe int ZIndexOffset => ColorOffset + sizeof(QuikColor);
public static unsafe int TextureCoordinatesOffset => sizeof(QVec2);
public static unsafe int ColorOffset => 2 * sizeof(QVec2);
public static unsafe int ZIndexOffset => ColorOffset + sizeof(QColor);
public static unsafe int Stride => sizeof(QuikVertex);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
protected QuikVertex StrokeVertex => new QuikVertex()
ZIndex = Style.ZIndex ?? this.ZIndex,
Color = Style.StrokeColor ?? QuikColor.Black,
Color = Style.StrokeColor ?? QColor.Black,
protected QuikVertex FillVertex => new QuikVertex()
ZIndex = Style.ZIndex ?? this.ZIndex,
Color = Style.Color ?? QuikColor.White,
Color = Style.Color ?? QColor.White,
public override void Reset()
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
return (int) Math.Ceiling(arc * radius * CurveGranularity);
private readonly List<QuikLine> LineList = new List<QuikLine>();
private readonly List<QLine> LineList = new List<QLine>();
private void LineProc(CommandQueue queue)
Frame frame = queue.Dequeue();
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
frame = queue.Dequeue();
float width = Style.StrokeWidth ?? 1;
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
LineInfo prevBase, nextBase = default;
for (int i = 0; i < LineList.Count; i++)
QuikLine line = LineList[i];
QLine line = LineList[i];
// A line segment needs a start cap if it is the first segment in
// the list, or the last end point is not the current start point.
bool isStart = (i == 0 || line.Start != LineList[i - 1].End);
@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
private LineInfo GenerateLineSegment(in QuikLine line)
private LineInfo GenerateLineSegment(in QLine line)
QuikVertex vertex = StrokeVertex;
QuikVertex a, b, c, d;
QuikVec2 normal = line.Normal();
QVec2 normal = line.Normal();
float width = Style.StrokeWidth ?? 1;
a = b = c = d = vertex;
@ -136,20 +136,20 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
private void GenerateJoint(
in QuikVec2 center,
in QuikVec2 prevNormal,
in QuikVec2 nextNormal,
in QVec2 center,
in QVec2 prevNormal,
in QVec2 nextNormal,
in LineInfo prevInfo,
in LineInfo nextInfo)
// Figure out which side needs the joint.
QuikVec2 meanNormal = 0.5f * (prevNormal + nextNormal);
QuikVec2 meanTangent = new QuikVec2(meanNormal.Y, -meanNormal.X);
QuikVec2 positiveEdge = ((center + nextNormal) - (center + prevNormal)).Normalize();
QuikVec2 negativeEdge = ((center - nextNormal) - (center - prevNormal)).Normalize();
QVec2 meanNormal = 0.5f * (prevNormal + nextNormal);
QVec2 meanTangent = new QVec2(meanNormal.Y, -meanNormal.X);
QVec2 positiveEdge = ((center + nextNormal) - (center + prevNormal)).Normalize();
QVec2 negativeEdge = ((center - nextNormal) - (center - prevNormal)).Normalize();
float positive, negative;
positive = QuikVec2.Dot(meanTangent, positiveEdge);
negative = QuikVec2.Dot(meanNormal, negativeEdge);
positive = QVec2.Dot(meanTangent, positiveEdge);
negative = QVec2.Dot(meanNormal, negativeEdge);
if (positive == negative)
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
QuikVertex vertex = StrokeVertex;
float radius = Style.StrokeWidth/2 ?? 0.5f;
float arc = MathF.Acos(QuikVec2.Dot(prevNormal, nextNormal));
float arc = MathF.Acos(QVec2.Dot(prevNormal, nextNormal));
int resolution = GetRoundingResolution(radius, arc);
bool isNegative = positive < negative;
@ -187,10 +187,10 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float cos = MathF.Cos(angle);
float sin = MathF.Sin(angle);
QuikVec2 displacement;
QVec2 displacement;
if (isNegative)
displacement = new QuikVec2()
displacement = new QVec2()
X = -prevNormal.X * cos + prevNormal.Y * sin,
Y = -prevNormal.X * sin - prevNormal.Y * cos
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
displacement = new QuikVec2()
displacement = new QVec2()
X = nextNormal.X * cos - nextNormal.Y * sin,
Y = nextNormal.X * sin + nextNormal.Y * cos
@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
private void GenerateCap(
in QuikVec2 center,
in QuikVec2 normal,
in QVec2 center,
in QVec2 normal,
in LineInfo info,
bool endCap)
@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float cos = MathF.Cos(angle);
float sin = MathF.Sin(angle);
QuikVec2 displacement;
QVec2 displacement;
if (endCap)
displacement = new QuikVec2()
displacement = new QVec2()
X = normal.X * cos + normal.Y * sin,
Y = -normal.X * sin + normal.Y * cos
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
displacement = new QuikVec2()
displacement = new QVec2()
X = normal.X * cos - normal.Y * sin,
Y = normal.X * sin + normal.Y * cos
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
private readonly List<QuikBezier> BezierList = new List<QuikBezier>();
private readonly List<QBezier> BezierList = new List<QBezier>();
private void BezierProc(CommandQueue queue)
Frame a = queue.Dequeue();
@ -296,11 +296,11 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
b = queue.Dequeue();
new QuikBezier(
new QuikVec2(a.GetF(0), a.GetF(1)),
new QuikVec2(b.GetF(0), b.GetF(1)),
new QuikVec2(b.GetF(2), b.GetF(3)),
new QuikVec2(a.GetF(2), a.GetF(3))
new QBezier(
new QVec2(a.GetF(0), a.GetF(1)),
new QVec2(b.GetF(0), b.GetF(1)),
new QVec2(b.GetF(2), b.GetF(3)),
new QVec2(a.GetF(2), a.GetF(3))
@ -310,11 +310,11 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
b = queue.Dequeue();
new QuikBezier(
new QuikVec2(a.GetF(0), a.GetF(1)),
new QuikVec2(b.GetF(0), b.GetF(1)),
new QuikVec2(b.GetF(2), b.GetF(3)),
new QuikVec2(a.GetF(2), a.GetF(3))
new QBezier(
new QVec2(a.GetF(0), a.GetF(1)),
new QVec2(b.GetF(0), b.GetF(1)),
new QVec2(b.GetF(2), b.GetF(3)),
new QVec2(a.GetF(2), a.GetF(3))
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
LineInfo prevBase, nextBase = default;
for (int i = 0; i < LineList.Count; i++)
QuikBezier bezier = BezierList[i];
QBezier bezier = BezierList[i];
// A line segment needs a start cap if it is the first segment in
// the list, or the last end point is not the current start point.
bool isStart = (i == 0 || bezier.Start != BezierList[i - 1].End);
@ -356,12 +356,12 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
private LineInfo GenerateBezierSegment(in QuikBezier bezier)
private LineInfo GenerateBezierSegment(in QBezier bezier)
QuikVec2 startTangent = bezier.GetBezierTangent(0);
QuikVec2 endTangent = bezier.GetBezierTangent(1);
QuikVec2 startNormal = new QuikVec2(-startTangent.Y, startTangent.X).Normalize();
QuikVec2 endNormal = new QuikVec2(-endTangent.Y, endTangent.X).Normalize();
QVec2 startTangent = bezier.GetBezierTangent(0);
QVec2 endTangent = bezier.GetBezierTangent(1);
QVec2 startNormal = new QVec2(-startTangent.Y, startTangent.X).Normalize();
QVec2 endNormal = new QVec2(-endTangent.Y, endTangent.X).Normalize();
float width = Style.StrokeWidth ?? 1;
float radius = 0.5f * width;
@ -380,9 +380,9 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++, index += 2)
float t = (i + 1.0f) / resolution;
QuikVec2 at = bezier.GetBezierTangent(t).Normalize();
QuikVec2 a = bezier.GetBezierPoint(t);
QuikVec2 an = radius * new QuikVec2(-at.Y, at.X);
QVec2 at = bezier.GetBezierTangent(t).Normalize();
QVec2 a = bezier.GetBezierPoint(t);
QVec2 an = radius * new QVec2(-at.Y, at.X);
v.Position = a + an;
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
return new LineInfo(vbase, 0, 1, index - 2, index - 1);
private readonly List<QuikRectangle> RectangleList = new List<QuikRectangle>();
private readonly List<QRectangle> RectangleList = new List<QRectangle>();
private void RectangleProc(CommandQueue queue)
Frame frame = queue.Dequeue();
@ -407,12 +407,12 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
frame = queue.Dequeue();
float stroke = Style.StrokeWidth ?? 1.0f;
@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
for (int i = 0; i < RectangleList.Count; i++)
QuikRectangle outer = RectangleList[i];
QuikRectangle inner = new QuikRectangle(
QRectangle outer = RectangleList[i];
QRectangle inner = new QRectangle(
outer.Right - stroke, outer.Top - stroke,
outer.Left + stroke, outer.Bottom + stroke);
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
private void GenerateRectangleBase(in QuikRectangle rectangle, float radius)
private void GenerateRectangleBase(in QRectangle rectangle, float radius)
@ -466,16 +466,16 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
// Draw center rectangle.
QuikVec2 aPos, bPos, cPos, dPos;
QVec2 aPos, bPos, cPos, dPos;
QuikVertex v = FillVertex;
aPos = v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
aPos = v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
bPos = v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
bPos = v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
cPos = v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
cPos = v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
dPos = v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
dPos = v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
DrawQueue.AddElement(0); DrawQueue.AddElement(1); DrawQueue.AddElement(2);
@ -486,9 +486,9 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
// Draw south rectangle.
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom);
DrawQueue.AddElement(4); DrawQueue.AddElement(5); DrawQueue.AddElement(1);
@ -496,9 +496,9 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
// Draw east rectangle.
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top - radius);
DrawQueue.AddElement(1); DrawQueue.AddElement(6); DrawQueue.AddElement(7);
@ -506,9 +506,9 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
// Draw north rectangle.
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top);
DrawQueue.AddElement(3); DrawQueue.AddElement(2); DrawQueue.AddElement(8);
@ -516,9 +516,9 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
// Draw west rectangle.
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
DrawQueue.AddElement(11); DrawQueue.AddElement(0); DrawQueue.AddElement(3);
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = MathF.Cos(theta) * radius;
float yoff = MathF.Sin(theta) * radius;
v.Position = cPos + new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = cPos + new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(2); DrawQueue.AddElement(previous); DrawQueue.AddElement((previous = current++));
@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = -MathF.Sin(theta) * radius;
float yoff = MathF.Cos(theta) * radius;
v.Position = dPos + new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = dPos + new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(3); DrawQueue.AddElement(previous); DrawQueue.AddElement((previous = current++));
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = -MathF.Cos(theta) * radius;
float yoff = -MathF.Sin(theta) * radius;
v.Position = aPos + new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = aPos + new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(0); DrawQueue.AddElement(previous); DrawQueue.AddElement((previous = current++));
@ -580,14 +580,14 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = -MathF.Sin(theta) * radius;
float yoff = MathF.Cos(theta) * radius;
v.Position = bPos + new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = bPos + new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(1); DrawQueue.AddElement(previous); DrawQueue.AddElement((previous = current++));
DrawQueue.AddElement(1); DrawQueue.AddElement(previous); DrawQueue.AddElement(6);
private void GenerateRectangleStripStraight(in QuikRectangle rectangle)
private void GenerateRectangleStripStraight(in QRectangle rectangle)
@ -609,22 +609,22 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top);
DrawQueue.AddElement(4); DrawQueue.AddElement(5); DrawQueue.AddElement(1); // SSW
@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
DrawQueue.AddElement(4); DrawQueue.AddElement(3); DrawQueue.AddElement(7); // SWW
private void GenerateRectangleStripNarrow(in QuikRectangle rectangle, float radius)
private void GenerateRectangleStripNarrow(in QRectangle rectangle, float radius)
@ -662,73 +662,73 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
20: 0 1 2 3
QuikVertex v = StrokeVertex;
QuikVec2 nPos, qPos, tPos, wPos;
QVec2 nPos, qPos, tPos, wPos;
float stroke = Style.StrokeWidth ?? 1.0f;
// a-b-c-d
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Top - stroke);
// ef-gh-ij-kl
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
// mno
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
nPos = v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
nPos = v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom);
// pqr
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom);
qPos = v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
qPos = v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
// stu
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top - radius);
tPos = v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
tPos = v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top);
// vwx
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top);
wPos = v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
wPos = v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top - radius);
// E
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = MathF.Cos(theta) * radius;
float yoff = MathF.Sin(theta) * radius;
v.Position = tPos + new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = tPos + new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(19); DrawQueue.AddElement(previous); DrawQueue.AddElement((previous = current++));
@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = -MathF.Sin(theta) * radius;
float yoff = MathF.Cos(theta) * radius;
v.Position = wPos + new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = wPos + new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(22); DrawQueue.AddElement(previous); DrawQueue.AddElement((previous = current++));
@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = -MathF.Cos(theta) * radius;
float yoff = -MathF.Sin(theta) * radius;
v.Position = nPos + new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = nPos + new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(23); DrawQueue.AddElement(previous); DrawQueue.AddElement((previous = current++));
@ -824,14 +824,14 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = -MathF.Sin(theta) * radius;
float yoff = MathF.Cos(theta) * radius;
v.Position = qPos + new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = qPos + new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(16); DrawQueue.AddElement(previous); DrawQueue.AddElement((previous = current++));
DrawQueue.AddElement(16); DrawQueue.AddElement(previous); DrawQueue.AddElement(17);
private void GenerateRectangleStripWide(in QuikRectangle rectangle, float radius)
private void GenerateRectangleStripWide(in QRectangle rectangle, float radius)
@ -855,40 +855,40 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float innerRadius = radius - stroke;
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom + stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - stroke, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top - stroke);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + stroke, rectangle.Top - radius);
v.Position = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
v.Position = new QVec2(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
// S
@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
int resolution = GetRoundingResolution(radius, 0.5f * MathF.PI);
int current = 16;
QuikVec2 center = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
QVec2 center = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
int s1 = 7, s2 = 6;
for (int i = 0; i < resolution - 1; i++)
@ -916,9 +916,9 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = MathF.Cos(theta);
float yoff = MathF.Sin(theta);
v.Position = center + radius * new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + radius * new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + innerRadius * new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + innerRadius * new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(s1); DrawQueue.AddElement(s2); DrawQueue.AddElement(current + 0);
@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
DrawQueue.AddElement(s1); DrawQueue.AddElement(s2); DrawQueue.AddElement(9);
// Draw NW arc
center = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
center = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top - radius);
s1 = 8; s2 = 11;
for (int i = 0; i < resolution - 1; i++)
@ -939,9 +939,9 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = -MathF.Sin(theta);
float yoff = MathF.Cos(theta);
v.Position = center + radius * new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + radius * new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + innerRadius * new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + innerRadius * new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(s1); DrawQueue.AddElement(s2); DrawQueue.AddElement(current + 0);
@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
DrawQueue.AddElement(s1); DrawQueue.AddElement(s2); DrawQueue.AddElement(14);
// Draw SW arc
center = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
center = new QVec2(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
s1 = 13; s2 = 12;
for (int i = 0; i < resolution - 1; i++)
@ -962,9 +962,9 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = -MathF.Cos(theta);
float yoff = -MathF.Sin(theta);
v.Position = center + radius * new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + radius * new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + innerRadius * new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + innerRadius * new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(s1); DrawQueue.AddElement(s2); DrawQueue.AddElement(current + 0);
@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
DrawQueue.AddElement(s1); DrawQueue.AddElement(s2); DrawQueue.AddElement(3);
// Draw SW arc
center = new QuikVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
center = new QVec2(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom + radius);
s1 = 2; s2 = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < resolution - 1; i++)
@ -985,9 +985,9 @@ namespace Quik.VertexGenerator
float xoff = MathF.Sin(theta);
float yoff = -MathF.Cos(theta);
v.Position = center + radius * new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + radius * new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + innerRadius * new QuikVec2(xoff, yoff);
v.Position = center + innerRadius * new QVec2(xoff, yoff);
DrawQueue.AddElement(s1); DrawQueue.AddElement(s2); DrawQueue.AddElement(current + 0);
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ using Quik.Controls;
using Quik.OpenGL;
using GL = Quik.OpenGL.GL;
using static Quik.OpenGL.GLEnum;
using Quik.CommandMachine;
namespace QuikTestApplication
@ -63,16 +64,20 @@ void main()
FreeTypeFontManager fontManager = new FreeTypeFontManager();
QuikContext context = new QuikContext(new OpenGLTextureManager(), fontManager);
QuikVertexGenerator gen = new QuikVertexGenerator(context);
VertexGeneratorEngine engine = new VertexGeneratorEngine();
CommandQueue cmdQueue = new CommandQueue();
GL30Driver gldriver;
RootControl root = new RootControl(context);
Button button = new Button()
Bounds = new QuikRectangle(120, 60, 20, 20),
Bounds = new QRectangle(120, 60, 20, 20),
Text = "button",
Padding = 8,
NormalStroke = new QuikStrokeStyle(new QuikColor(0xccccccff), 4f),
HoverStroke = new QuikStrokeStyle(new QuikColor(0x1010ccff), 4f),
ActiveStroke = new QuikStrokeStyle(new QuikColor(0x999999ff), 4f),
NormalStroke = new QuikStrokeStyle(new QColor(0xccccccff), 4f),
HoverStroke = new QuikStrokeStyle(new QColor(0x1010ccff), 4f),
ActiveStroke = new QuikStrokeStyle(new QColor(0x999999ff), 4f),
button.Clicked += (sender, args) => {
if (!args.Buttons.HasFlag(Quik.MouseButton.Primary))
@ -98,109 +103,7 @@ void main()
int sp;
int vs, fs;
sp = GL.CreateProgram();
vs = GL.CreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
fs = GL.CreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
GL.ShaderSource(vs, vertex);
GL.ShaderSource(fs, fragment);
GL.AttachShader(sp, vs);
GL.AttachShader(sp, fs);
new GL30Driver();
int vbo, ebo, vao;
vbo = GL.GenBuffer();
ebo = GL.GenBuffer();
vao = GL.GenVertexArray();
GL.BindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
int loc;
loc = GL.GetAttribLocation(sp, "position"),
loc = GL.GetAttribLocation(sp, "texcoord"),
loc = GL.GetAttribLocation(sp, "color"),
loc = GL.GetUniformLocation(sp, "matrix");
int offsetLoc = GL.GetUniformLocation(sp, "texture0offset");
QuikStrokeStyle strokeBorder = new QuikStrokeStyle()
Color = new QuikColor(0xaaaaaaff),
Width = 8
QuikStrokeStyle strokeNoBorder = new QuikStrokeStyle()
Color = new QuikColor(0xaaaaaaff),
Width = 0
QuikFillStyle fill = new QuikFillStyle()
Color = new QuikColor(0xeeeeeeff)
QuikFillStyle magenta = new QuikFillStyle
Color = new QuikColor(0xff00ffff)
int whiteTexture = GL.GenTexture();
uint[] whitePixel = {0xFFFFFFFF};
GL.BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, whiteTexture);
GL.TexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 1, 1, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, whitePixel);
context.DefaultFont = context.FontManager.GetFont(new QuikFontStyle("Arial", 16, QuikFontType.Normal));
const string testString =
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. " +
"Sphinx of black quartz judge my vow. " +
"Have some japanese for fun: これが読めるかな?";
var para = new HorizontalParagraph();
para.ConsumeText(context.DefaultFont, testString);
var typeset = new TypesetGroup();
para.Typeset(typeset, 200);
gldriver = new GL30Driver();
window.Context.SwapInterval = 0;
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
@ -215,7 +118,7 @@ void main()
if (window.IsFocused)
var mouseState = window.MouseState;
QuikVec2 postion = new QuikVec2(mouseState.Position.X, window.ClientSize.Y - mouseState.Position.Y) * (dpi/72f);
QVec2 postion = new QVec2(mouseState.Position.X, window.ClientSize.Y - mouseState.Position.Y) * (dpi/72f);
Quik.MouseButton buttons =
(mouseState.IsButtonDown(OpenTK.Windowing.GraphicsLibraryFramework.MouseButton.Button1) ? Quik.MouseButton.Primary : 0) |
(mouseState.IsButtonDown(OpenTK.Windowing.GraphicsLibraryFramework.MouseButton.Button2) ? Quik.MouseButton.Secondary : 0) |
@ -224,107 +127,24 @@ void main()
root.NotifyMouse(new Quik.MouseState(postion, buttons));
root.Bounds = new QuikRectangle(
root.Bounds = new QRectangle(
GL.Viewport(0, 0, window.Size.X, window.Size.Y);
engine.ProcessCommands(root.Bounds, cmdQueue);
DrawQueue drawQueue = engine.DrawQueue;
Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(
GL.UniformMatrix4(loc, false, ref matrix.Row0.X);
new QuikCommandRectangle(new QuikRectangle(120, 60, 20, 20))
CornerRadius = 0,
FillStyle = fill,
StrokeStyle = strokeNoBorder
new QuikCommandRectangle(new QuikRectangle(240, 60, 140, 20))
CornerRadius = 4,
FillStyle = fill,
StrokeStyle = strokeNoBorder
new QuikCommandRectangle(new QuikRectangle(360, 60, 260, 20))
CornerRadius = 15,
FillStyle = fill,
StrokeStyle = strokeNoBorder
new QuikCommandRectangle(new QuikRectangle(120, 120, 20, 80))
CornerRadius = 0,
FillStyle = fill,
StrokeStyle = strokeBorder
new QuikCommandRectangle(new QuikRectangle(240, 120, 140, 80))
CornerRadius = 4,
FillStyle = fill,
StrokeStyle = strokeBorder
new QuikCommandRectangle(new QuikRectangle(360, 120, 260, 80))
CornerRadius = 15,
FillStyle = fill,
StrokeStyle = strokeBorder
// context.Draw.PutText("これが読めるかな?", new QuikVec2(25,30));
context.Draw.Commands.Enqueue(new QuikCommandEmitText(typeset, new QuikVec2(200, 200)));
QuikCommand command;
while (context.Draw.Commands.TryDequeue(out command))
GL.BufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, gen.VertexCount * QuikVertex.Stride, gen.VertexBuffer, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
GL.BufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, gen.ElementCount * 2, gen.ElementBuffer, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
foreach (QuikDrawCall call in gen.DrawCalls)
call.Texture == null ? whiteTexture : (call.Texture as OpenGLTexture).TextureId);
if (call.Texture != null)
GL.Uniform2(offsetLoc, 0.5f / call.Texture.Width, 0.5f / call.Texture.Height);
GL.DrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, call.Count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, call.Offset);
int callCount = gen.DrawCalls.Count;
@ -334,7 +154,7 @@ void main()
Console.WriteLine("Frames: {0}", frames*(ms - lastMs)/1000);
frames = 0;
lastMs = ms;
Console.WriteLine("Vertex Usage: {0} ; Element Usage: {1} Calls: {2}", gen.VertexUsage, gen.ElementUsage, callCount);
Console.WriteLine("Vertex Usage: {0} ; Element Usage: {1} Calls: {2}", drawQueue.VertexCount, drawQueue.ElementCount, drawQueue.DrawCallCount);
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace QuikTestApplication
private static Dictionary<int, QuikGlyph> _glyphs = new Dictionary<int, QuikGlyph>();
public static byte[] TextureData { get; private set; } = Array.Empty<byte>();
public static QuikVec2 TextureSize { get; private set; }
public static QVec2 TextureSize { get; private set; }
public QuikTexture Texture { get; }
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace QuikTestApplication
_style = new QuikFontStyle(family, fontSize, style);
QuikVec2 atlasSize = default;
QVec2 atlasSize = default;
atlasSize.X = float.Parse(document.DocumentElement.Attributes["width"].Value);
atlasSize.Y = float.Parse(document.DocumentElement.Attributes["height"].Value);
@ -63,18 +63,18 @@ namespace QuikTestApplication
foreach (XmlElement element in document.SelectNodes("/font/character"))
QuikRectangle UVs;
QuikVec2 origin;
QRectangle UVs;
QVec2 origin;
float advance;
int chr = element.Attributes["text"].Value[0];
QuikVec2 pos;
QuikVec2 size;
QVec2 pos;
QVec2 size;
pos.X = float.Parse(element.Attributes["x"].Value);
pos.Y = float.Parse(element.Attributes["y"].Value);
size.X = float.Parse(element.Attributes["width"].Value);
size.Y = float.Parse(element.Attributes["height"].Value);
UVs = new QuikRectangle(
UVs = new QRectangle(
(pos.X + size.X)/atlasSize.X,
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ namespace QuikTestApplication
advance = float.Parse(element.Attributes["advance"].Value);
QuikGlyph glyph = new QuikGlyph(chr, UVs, size, origin, default, new QuikVec2(advance, 0));
QuikGlyph glyph = new QuikGlyph(chr, UVs, size, origin, default, new QVec2(advance, 0));
_glyphs.Add(chr, glyph);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user