This removes the hard dependency on OpenTK for a core component of QUIK. Although not all environments are going to be using OpenGL, having it be independent from a vendor library would be more benefitial for more people.
83 lines
3.7 KiB
83 lines
3.7 KiB
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Quik.OpenGL
public delegate IntPtr GetProcAddressProc(string procName);
public unsafe static partial class GL
private delegate void GenObjectsProc(int count, int *ids);
private delegate void BindObjectProc(int id);
private delegate void BindSlottedProc(GLEnum target, int id);
private delegate void GLEnum1Proc(GLEnum x);
private delegate void GLEnum2Proc(GLEnum x, GLEnum y);
private delegate void GLI4Proc(int x, int y, int z, int w);
private delegate void GLF4Proc(float x, float y, float z, float w);
private delegate void DrawElementsProc(GLEnum primitive, int size, GLEnum type, void *offset);
private delegate void DrawArraysProc(GLEnum primitive, int size, void *offset);
private const short AggressiveInlining = (short)MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining;
private static GetProcAddressProc _getProcAddress;
private static GLEnum1Proc _enable;
private static GLEnum1Proc _disable;
private static GLEnum2Proc _blendFunc;
private static GLEnum1Proc _depthFunc;
private static GLEnum1Proc _clear;
private static GLI4Proc _viewport;
private static GLF4Proc _clearColor;
private static DrawElementsProc _drawElements;
private static DrawArraysProc _drawArrays;
private static T GetProcAddress<T>(string procName)
where T : Delegate
IntPtr funcptr = _getProcAddress(procName);
return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<T>(funcptr);
public static void LoadBindings(GetProcAddressProc getProcAddress)
_getProcAddress = getProcAddress;
_enable = GetProcAddress<GLEnum1Proc>("glEnable");
_disable = GetProcAddress<GLEnum1Proc>("glDisable");
_blendFunc = GetProcAddress<GLEnum2Proc>("glBlendFunc");
_depthFunc = GetProcAddress<GLEnum1Proc>("glDepthFunc");
_clear = GetProcAddress<GLEnum1Proc>("glClear");
_viewport = GetProcAddress<GLI4Proc>("glViewport");
_clearColor = GetProcAddress<GLF4Proc>("glClearColor");
_drawElements = GetProcAddress<DrawElementsProc>("glDrawElements");
_drawArrays = GetProcAddress<DrawArraysProc>("glDrawArrays");
public static void Enable(GLEnum cap) => _enable(cap);
public static void Disable(GLEnum cap) => _disable(cap);
public static void BlendFunc(GLEnum src, GLEnum dst) => _blendFunc(src, dst);
public static void DepthFunc(GLEnum func) => _depthFunc(func);
public static void Clear(GLEnum buffer_bits) => _clear(buffer_bits);
public static void Viewport(int x, int y, int w, int h) => _viewport(x, y, w, h);
public static void ClearColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) => _clearColor(r, g, b, a);
public static void DrawElements(GLEnum primitive, int count, GLEnum type, int offset) => _drawElements(primitive, count, type, (void*)offset);
public static void DrawArrays(GLEnum primitive, int count, int offset) => _drawArrays(primitive, count, (void*)offset);
} |