Due to unforseen naming conflicts, the project has been rebranded under the ReFuel umbrealla and will now be referred to as Dashboard from now on. Other changes will occur to suit the library more for the engine whilst keeping the freestanding nature of the library. Rename folder. Rename to Dashboard.OpenTK Rename to Dashboard.Media.Defaults. Do the last renames and path fixes.
230 lines
7.0 KiB
230 lines
7.0 KiB
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using Dashboard;
namespace Dashboard.Media.Defaults
public static unsafe class FontConfig
private const string fontconfig = "fontconfig";
public static bool Exists { get; }
public static IntPtr FAMILY { get; } = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("family");
public static IntPtr STYLE { get; } = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("style");
public static IntPtr FILE { get; } = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("file");
public static IntPtr WEIGHT { get; } = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("weight");
public static IntPtr SLANT { get; } = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("slant");
static FontConfig()
if (FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts() == null)
Exists = false;
Exists = true;
Exists = false;
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts")]
public static extern FcConfig* FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts();
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcConfigGetCurrent")]
public static extern FcConfig ConfigGetCurrent();
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcPatternCreate")]
public static extern FcPattern PatternCreate();
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcPatternCreate")]
public static extern bool FcPatternAdd(FcPattern pattern, IntPtr what, FcValue value, bool append);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcObjectSetBuild", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1, IntPtr i2, IntPtr i3, IntPtr i4, IntPtr i5, IntPtr i6);
public static FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1)
return ObjectSetBuild(i1, IntPtr.Zero);
public static FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1, IntPtr i2)
return ObjectSetBuild(i1, i2, IntPtr.Zero);
public static FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1, IntPtr i2, IntPtr i3)
return ObjectSetBuild(i1, i2, i3, IntPtr.Zero);
public static FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1, IntPtr i2, IntPtr i3, IntPtr i4)
return ObjectSetBuild(i1, i2, i3, i4, IntPtr.Zero);
public static FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1, IntPtr i2, IntPtr i3, IntPtr i4, IntPtr i5)
return ObjectSetBuild(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, IntPtr.Zero);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcFontList")]
public static extern FcFontSet FontList(FcConfig config, FcPattern pattern, FcObjectSet objectSet);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcNameUnparse")]
public static extern IntPtr NameUnparse(FcPattern pat);
public static string NameUnparseStr(FcPattern pat) => Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(NameUnparse(pat));
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcPatternGetString")]
public static extern FcResult PatternGetString(FcPattern p, IntPtr what, int n, out IntPtr val);
public static FcResult PatternGetString(FcPattern p, IntPtr what, out string str)
FcResult i = PatternGetString(p, what, 0, out IntPtr ptr);
if (i == FcResult.Match)
str = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptr);
str = null;
return i;
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcPatternGet")]
public static extern FcResult PatternGet(FcPattern p, IntPtr what, int id, out FcValue value);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcFontSetDestroy")]
public static extern void FontSetDestroy(FcFontSet fs);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcObjectSetDestroy")]
public static extern void ObjectSetDestroy (FcObjectSet os);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcConfigDestroy")]
public static extern void ConfigDestroy (FcConfig cfg);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcPatternDestroy")]
public static extern void PatternDestroy (FcPattern os);
#region Range
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcRangeCreateDouble")]
public static extern IntPtr RangeCreateDouble(double begin, double end);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcRangeCreateInteger")]
public static extern IntPtr RangeCreateInteger (int begin, int end);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcRangeDestroy")]
public static extern void RangeDestroy(IntPtr range);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcRangeCopy")]
public static extern IntPtr RangeCopy (IntPtr range);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcRangeGetDouble")]
public static extern bool RangeGetDouble(IntPtr range, out double start, out double end);
public enum FcResult
public struct FcConfig
public readonly IntPtr Handle;
public struct FcPattern
public readonly IntPtr Handle;
public unsafe struct FcObjectSet
public readonly IntPtr Handle;
private Accessor* AsPtr => (Accessor*)Handle;
public int NObject => AsPtr->nobject;
public int SObject => AsPtr->sobject;
#pragma warning disable CS0649 // Will always have default value.
private struct Accessor
public int nobject;
public int sobject;
public byte** objects;
#pragma warning restore CS0649
public unsafe struct FcFontSet
public readonly IntPtr Handle;
private Accessor* AsPtr => (Accessor*)Handle;
public int NFont => AsPtr->nfont;
public int SFont => AsPtr->sfont;
public FcPattern this[int i]
if (i < 0 || i >= NFont)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
return AsPtr->fonts[i];
#pragma warning disable CS0649 // Will always have default value.
private struct Accessor
public int nfont;
public int sfont;
public FcPattern* fonts;
#pragma warning restore CS0649
public enum FcType
Unknown = -1,
public readonly struct FcValue
[FieldOffset(0)] public readonly FcType Type;
[FieldOffset(sizeof(FcType))] public readonly IntPtr Pointer;
[FieldOffset(sizeof(FcType))] public readonly int Int;
[FieldOffset(sizeof(FcType))] public readonly double Double;
} |