I have had a long break from this project due to other higher priority things going on in my life. Big changes inbound.
126 lines
4.7 KiB
126 lines
4.7 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Xml;
using Quik;
using Quik.Typography;
namespace QuikTestApplication
public class TestFont : QuikFont
public override QuikFontStyle Style => _style;
private static QuikFontStyle _style;
private static HashSet<int> _characters = new HashSet<int>();
private static Dictionary<int, QuikGlyph> _glyphs = new Dictionary<int, QuikGlyph>();
public static byte[] TextureData { get; private set; } = Array.Empty<byte>();
public static QuikVec2 TextureSize { get; private set; }
public IQuikTexture Texture { get; }
public override float Ascender => throw new NotImplementedException();
public override float Descender => throw new NotImplementedException();
public TestFont(QuikContext context)
Texture = context.TextureManager.CreateTexture(TextureSize, false, QuikImageFormat.RgbaU8);
fixed (byte* ptr = &TextureData[0])
Texture.Image((IntPtr)ptr, QuikImageFormat.RgbaU8, TextureSize, 0);
static TestFont()
using (Stream str = typeof(TestFont).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("QuikTestApplication.font.xml"))
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
string family = document.DocumentElement.Attributes["name"].Value;
float fontSize = float.Parse(document.DocumentElement.Attributes["size"].Value);
QuikFontType style = QuikFontType.Normal;
if (document.DocumentElement.Attributes["bold"].Value == "true")
style = QuikFontType.Bold;
if (document.DocumentElement.Attributes["italic"].Value == "true")
style = QuikFontType.Italic;
_style = new QuikFontStyle(family, fontSize, style);
QuikVec2 atlasSize = default;
atlasSize.X = float.Parse(document.DocumentElement.Attributes["width"].Value);
atlasSize.Y = float.Parse(document.DocumentElement.Attributes["height"].Value);
TextureSize = atlasSize;
foreach (XmlElement element in document.SelectNodes("/font/character"))
QuikRectangle UVs;
QuikVec2 origin;
float advance;
int chr = element.Attributes["text"].Value[0];
QuikVec2 pos;
QuikVec2 size;
pos.X = float.Parse(element.Attributes["x"].Value);
pos.Y = float.Parse(element.Attributes["y"].Value);
size.X = float.Parse(element.Attributes["width"].Value);
size.Y = float.Parse(element.Attributes["height"].Value);
UVs = new QuikRectangle(
(pos.X + size.X)/atlasSize.X,
(size.Y + pos.Y)/atlasSize.Y);
origin.X = float.Parse(element.Attributes["origin-x"].Value);
origin.Y = float.Parse(element.Attributes["origin-y"].Value);
advance = float.Parse(element.Attributes["advance"].Value);
QuikGlyph glyph = new QuikGlyph(chr, UVs, size, origin, default, new QuikVec2(advance, 0));
_glyphs.Add(chr, glyph);
using (Stream str = typeof(TestFont).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("QuikTestApplication.font.dat"))
TextureData = new byte[(int)str.Length];
str.Read(TextureData, 0, (int)str.Length);
// Evil pointer stuff. Beware!
Span<uint> head = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, uint>(TextureData);
for (int i = 0; i < head.Length; i++)
if (head[i] == 0xff000000)
head[i] = 0x00000000;
public override bool HasCharacter(int character)
return _characters.Contains((char) character);
public override void GetCharacter(int character, out IQuikTexture texture, out QuikGlyph glyph)
if (!_glyphs.TryGetValue(character, out glyph))
glyph = _glyphs['?'];
texture = Texture;
} |