H. Utku Maden a1f4e6a4dc Rename from QUIK to Dashboard
Due to unforseen naming conflicts, the project has been rebranded under the ReFuel
umbrealla and will now be referred to as Dashboard from now on. Other changes will
occur to suit the library more for the engine whilst keeping the freestanding
nature of the library.

Rename folder.

Rename to Dashboard.OpenTK

Rename to Dashboard.Media.Defaults.

Do the last renames and path fixes.
2024-07-17 23:26:58 +03:00

152 lines
4.5 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
#if false
namespace Quik.Media.Defaults.Win32
public class EnumerateFonts
private const byte DEFAULT_CHARSET = 1;
public static void Enumerate(FontFace font)
/* It's windows, just borrow the desktop window. */
IntPtr hdc = GetDC(GetDesktopWindow());
List<(LogFontA, TextMetricA)> list = new List<(LogFontA, TextMetricA)>();
LogFontA font2 = new LogFontA()
//FaceName = font.Family,
Weight = ((font.Style & FontStyle.Bold) != 0) ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Regular,
Italic = (font.Style & FontStyle.Italic) != 0,
EnumFontFamiliesExProc proc = (in LogFontA font, in TextMetricA metric, int type, IntPtr lparam) =>
list.Add((font, metric));
return 0;
EnumFontFamiliesExA(hdc, font2, proc, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
private const string gdi32 = "Gdi32.dll";
private const string user32 = "User32.dll";
private static extern int EnumFontFamiliesExA(
IntPtr hdc,
in LogFontA font,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] EnumFontFamiliesExProc proc,
IntPtr lparam,
int flags /* Should be zero. */);
private static extern IntPtr /* HWND */ GetDesktopWindow();
private static extern IntPtr /* HDC */ GetDC(IntPtr hwnd);
private delegate int EnumFontFamiliesExProc(in LogFontA font, in TextMetricA metric, int fontType, IntPtr lParam);
private struct LogFontA
public long Height;
public long Width;
public long Escapement;
public long Orientation;
public FontWeight Weight;
public bool Italic;
public bool Underline;
public bool StrikeOut;
public byte CharSet;
public byte OutPrecision;
public byte ClipPrecision;
public byte PitchAndFamily;
private unsafe fixed byte aFaceName[32];
public unsafe string FaceName
fixed (byte* str = aFaceName)
int len = 0;
for (; str[len] != 0 && len < 32; len++) ;
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(str, len);
fixed (byte *str = aFaceName)
Span<byte> span = new Span<byte>(str, 32);
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value, span);
span[31] = 0;
private struct TextMetricA
public long Height;
public long Ascent;
public long Descent;
public long InternalLeading;
public long ExternalLeading;
public long AveCharWidth;
public long MaxCharWidth;
public long Weight;
public long Overhang;
public long DigitizedAspectX;
public long DigitizedAspectY;
public byte FirstChar;
public byte LastChar;
public byte DefaultChar;
public byte BreakChar;
public byte Italic;
public byte Underlined;
public byte StruckOut;
public byte PitchAndFamily;
public byte CharSet;
private enum FontWeight : long
DontCare = 0,
Thin = 100,
ExtraLight = 200,
UltraLight = 200,
Light = 300,
Normal = 400,
Regular = 400,
Medium = 500,
Semibold = 600,
Demibold = 600,
Bold = 700,
Extrabold = 800,
Ultrabold = 800,
Heavy = 900,
Black = 900