Add fontconfig support.

This commit is contained in:
H. Utku Maden 2024-04-28 15:39:12 +03:00
parent ccb0c6ffe7
commit 21233c8173
2 changed files with 373 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using Quik;
namespace Quik.Media.Defaults
public static unsafe class FontConfig
private const string fontconfig = "fontconfig";
public static bool Exists { get; }
public static IntPtr FAMILY { get; } = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("family");
public static IntPtr STYLE { get; } = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("style");
public static IntPtr FILE { get; } = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("file");
public static IntPtr WEIGHT { get; } = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("weight");
public static IntPtr SLANT { get; } = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("slant");
static FontConfig()
if (FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts() == null)
Exists = false;
Exists = true;
Exists = false;
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts")]
public static extern FcConfig* FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts();
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcConfigGetCurrent")]
public static extern FcConfig ConfigGetCurrent();
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcPatternCreate")]
public static extern FcPattern PatternCreate();
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcPatternCreate")]
public static extern bool FcPatternAdd(FcPattern pattern, IntPtr what, FcValue value, bool append);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcObjectSetBuild", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1, IntPtr i2, IntPtr i3, IntPtr i4, IntPtr i5, IntPtr i6);
public static FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1)
return ObjectSetBuild(i1, IntPtr.Zero);
public static FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1, IntPtr i2)
return ObjectSetBuild(i1, i2, IntPtr.Zero);
public static FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1, IntPtr i2, IntPtr i3)
return ObjectSetBuild(i1, i2, i3, IntPtr.Zero);
public static FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1, IntPtr i2, IntPtr i3, IntPtr i4)
return ObjectSetBuild(i1, i2, i3, i4, IntPtr.Zero);
public static FcObjectSet ObjectSetBuild(IntPtr i1, IntPtr i2, IntPtr i3, IntPtr i4, IntPtr i5)
return ObjectSetBuild(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, IntPtr.Zero);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcFontList")]
public static extern FcFontSet FontList(FcConfig config, FcPattern pattern, FcObjectSet objectSet);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcNameUnparse")]
public static extern IntPtr NameUnparse(FcPattern pat);
public static string NameUnparseStr(FcPattern pat) => Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(NameUnparse(pat));
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcPatternGetString")]
public static extern FcResult PatternGetString(FcPattern p, IntPtr what, int n, out IntPtr val);
public static FcResult PatternGetString(FcPattern p, IntPtr what, out string str)
FcResult i = PatternGetString(p, what, 0, out IntPtr ptr);
if (i == FcResult.Match)
str = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptr);
str = null;
return i;
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcPatternGet")]
public static extern FcResult PatternGet(FcPattern p, IntPtr what, int id, out FcValue value);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcFontSetDestroy")]
public static extern void FontSetDestroy(FcFontSet fs);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcObjectSetDestroy")]
public static extern void ObjectSetDestroy (FcObjectSet os);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcConfigDestroy")]
public static extern void ConfigDestroy (FcConfig cfg);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcPatternDestroy")]
public static extern void PatternDestroy (FcPattern os);
#region Range
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcRangeCreateDouble")]
public static extern IntPtr RangeCreateDouble(double begin, double end);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcRangeCreateInteger")]
public static extern IntPtr RangeCreateInteger (int begin, int end);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcRangeDestroy")]
public static extern void RangeDestroy(IntPtr range);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcRangeCopy")]
public static extern IntPtr RangeCopy (IntPtr range);
[DllImport(fontconfig, EntryPoint = "FcRangeGetDouble")]
public static extern bool RangeGetDouble(IntPtr range, out double start, out double end);
public enum FcResult
public struct FcConfig
public readonly IntPtr Handle;
public struct FcPattern
public readonly IntPtr Handle;
public unsafe struct FcObjectSet
public readonly IntPtr Handle;
private Accessor* AsPtr => (Accessor*)Handle;
public int NObject => AsPtr->nobject;
public int SObject => AsPtr->sobject;
#pragma warning disable CS0649 // Will always have default value.
private struct Accessor
public int nobject;
public int sobject;
public byte** objects;
#pragma warning restore CS0649
public unsafe struct FcFontSet
public readonly IntPtr Handle;
private Accessor* AsPtr => (Accessor*)Handle;
public int NFont => AsPtr->nfont;
public int SFont => AsPtr->sfont;
public FcPattern this[int i]
if (i < 0 || i >= NFont)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
return AsPtr->fonts[i];
#pragma warning disable CS0649 // Will always have default value.
private struct Accessor
public int nfont;
public int sfont;
public FcPattern* fonts;
#pragma warning restore CS0649
public enum FcType
Unknown = -1,
public readonly struct FcValue
[FieldOffset(0)] public readonly FcType Type;
[FieldOffset(sizeof(FcType))] public readonly IntPtr Pointer;
[FieldOffset(sizeof(FcType))] public readonly int Int;
[FieldOffset(sizeof(FcType))] public readonly double Double;

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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Quik.Media.Font;
using Quik.PAL;
namespace Quik.Media.Defaults.Linux
/// <summary>
/// Font database for Linux libfontconfig systems.
/// </summary>
public class FontConfigFontDatabase : IFontDataBase
private IReadOnlyDictionary<FontFace, FileInfo> FilesMap { get; }
private IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<FontFace>> ByFamily { get; }
public IEnumerable<FontFace> All { get; }
public FontConfigFontDatabase()
if (!FontConfig.Exists)
throw new NotSupportedException("This host doesn't have fontconfig installed.");
List<FontFace> faces = new List<FontFace>();
Dictionary<FontFace, FileInfo> files = new Dictionary<FontFace, FileInfo>();
Dictionary<string, List<FontFace>> byFamily = new Dictionary<string, List<FontFace>>();
FcConfig config = FontConfig.ConfigGetCurrent();
FcPattern pattern = FontConfig.PatternCreate();
FcObjectSet os = FontConfig.ObjectSetBuild(FontConfig.FAMILY, FontConfig.STYLE, FontConfig.FILE);
FcFontSet fs = FontConfig.FontList(config, pattern, os);
for (int i = 0; i < fs.NFont; i++)
FcPattern current = fs[i];
if (
FontConfig.PatternGetString(current, FontConfig.FAMILY, 0, out IntPtr pFamily) != FcResult.Match ||
FontConfig.PatternGetString(current, FontConfig.STYLE, 0, out IntPtr pStyle) != FcResult.Match)
string family = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(pFamily);
string style = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(pStyle);
FontFace face = FontFace.Parse(family, style);
if (!byFamily.TryGetValue(face.Family, out List<FontFace> siblings))
siblings = new List<FontFace>();
byFamily.Add(face.Family, siblings);
FontConfig.PatternGetString(current, FontConfig.FILE, 0, out IntPtr pFile);
string file = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(pFile);
files.TryAdd(face, new FileInfo(file));
All = faces.ToArray();
FilesMap = files;
ByFamily = new Dictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<FontFace>>(
byFamily.Select(x =>
new KeyValuePair<string, IReadOnlyList<FontFace>>(x.Key, x.Value)
public IEnumerable<FontFace> Search(FontFace prototype, FontMatchCriteria criteria = FontMatchCriteria.All)
// A bit scuffed and LINQ heavy but it should work.
IEnumerable<FontFace> candidates;
if (criteria.HasFlag(FontMatchCriteria.Family))
IReadOnlyList<FontFace> siblings;
if (!ByFamily.TryGetValue(prototype.Family, out siblings))
return Enumerable.Empty<FontFace>();
candidates = siblings;
candidates = All;
.Where(x =>
implies(criteria.HasFlag(FontMatchCriteria.Slant), prototype.Slant == x.Slant) ||
implies(criteria.HasFlag(FontMatchCriteria.Weight), prototype.Weight == x.Weight) ||
implies(criteria.HasFlag(FontMatchCriteria.Stretch), prototype.Stretch == x.Stretch)
.OrderByDescending(x =>
(prototype.Slant == x.Slant ? 1 : 0) +
(prototype.Weight == x.Weight ? 1 : 0) +
(prototype.Stretch == x.Stretch ? 1 : 0) +
confidence(prototype.Family, x.Family) * 3
// a => b = a'+b
static bool implies(bool a, bool b)
return !a || b;
static int confidence(string target, string testee)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < target.Length && i < testee.Length && target[i] == testee[i]; i++);
return i;
public FileInfo FontFileInfo(FontFace face)
if (FilesMap.TryGetValue(face, out FileInfo info))
return info;
return null;
public Stream Open(FontFace face)
return FontFileInfo(face)?.OpenRead() ?? throw new FileNotFoundException();