2024-05-01 15:22:22 +03:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using System.Text.Json;
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using ReFuel.FreeType;
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using Dashboard.Media.Font;
using Dashboard.PAL;
using Dashboard.Media.Defaults.Linux;
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2024-07-17 23:18:20 +03:00
namespace Dashboard.Media.Defaults.Fallback
2024-05-01 15:22:22 +03:00
public class FallbackFontDatabase : IFontDataBase
private readonly string DbPath =
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvironmentVariables.FallbackFontDatabase) ??
Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "QUIK/fontdb.json");
private Dictionary<FontFace, FileInfo> FilesMap { get; } = new Dictionary<FontFace, FileInfo>();
private Dictionary<string, List<FontFace>> ByFamily { get; } = new Dictionary<string, List<FontFace>>();
private Dictionary<SystemFontFamily, FontFace> SystemFonts { get; } = new Dictionary<SystemFontFamily, FontFace>();
private List<FontFace> All { get; } = new List<FontFace>();
IEnumerable<FontFace> IFontDataBase.All => this.All;
public FallbackFontDatabase(bool rebuild = false)
// Load existing database if desired.
List<DbEntry> database;
database = LoadDatabase();
database = new List<DbEntry>();
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database.ForEach(x => AddFont(x.Face, new FileInfo(x.FilePath)));
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(FontFace, FileInfo) serif = FontDataBaseProvider.ResolveSystemFont(EnvironmentVariables.SerifFont, LinuxFonts.DefaultSerifFamilies, this);
SystemFonts[SystemFontFamily.Serif] = serif.Item1;
(FontFace, FileInfo) sans = FontDataBaseProvider.ResolveSystemFont(EnvironmentVariables.SansFont, LinuxFonts.DefaultSansFamilies, this);
SystemFonts[SystemFontFamily.Sans] = sans.Item1;
(FontFace, FileInfo) mono = FontDataBaseProvider.ResolveSystemFont(EnvironmentVariables.MonospaceFont, LinuxFonts.DefaultMonospaceFamilies, this);
SystemFonts[SystemFontFamily.Monospace] = mono.Item1;
(FontFace, FileInfo) cursive = FontDataBaseProvider.ResolveSystemFont(EnvironmentVariables.CursiveFont, LinuxFonts.DefaultCursiveFamilies, this);
SystemFonts[SystemFontFamily.Cursive] = cursive.Item1;
(FontFace, FileInfo) fantasy = FontDataBaseProvider.ResolveSystemFont(EnvironmentVariables.FantasyFont, LinuxFonts.DefaultFantasyFamilies, this);
SystemFonts[SystemFontFamily.Fantasy] = fantasy.Item1;
public FileInfo FontFileInfo(FontFace face)
if (FilesMap.TryGetValue(face, out FileInfo info))
return info;
return null;
public Stream Open(FontFace face)
return FontFileInfo(face)?.OpenRead() ?? throw new FileNotFoundException();
public IEnumerable<FontFace> Search(FontFace prototype, FontMatchCriteria criteria = FontMatchCriteria.All)
// A bit scuffed and LINQ heavy but it should work.
IEnumerable<FontFace> candidates;
if (criteria.HasFlag(FontMatchCriteria.Family))
List<FontFace> siblings;
if (!ByFamily.TryGetValue(prototype.Family, out siblings))
return Enumerable.Empty<FontFace>();
candidates = siblings;
candidates = All;
.Where(x =>
implies(criteria.HasFlag(FontMatchCriteria.Slant), prototype.Slant == x.Slant) ||
implies(criteria.HasFlag(FontMatchCriteria.Weight), prototype.Weight == x.Weight) ||
implies(criteria.HasFlag(FontMatchCriteria.Stretch), prototype.Stretch == x.Stretch)
.OrderByDescending(x =>
(prototype.Slant == x.Slant ? 1 : 0) +
(prototype.Weight == x.Weight ? 1 : 0) +
(prototype.Stretch == x.Stretch ? 1 : 0) +
confidence(prototype.Family, x.Family) * 3
// a => b = a'+b
static bool implies(bool a, bool b)
return !a || b;
static int confidence(string target, string testee)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < target.Length && i < testee.Length && target[i] == testee[i]; i++);
return i;
public FontFace GetSystemFontFace(SystemFontFamily family)
return SystemFonts[family];
private void AddFont(FontFace face, FileInfo file)
if (!All.Contains(face))
FilesMap.TryAdd(face, file);
if (!ByFamily.TryGetValue(face.Family, out List<FontFace> siblings))
siblings = new List<FontFace>();
ByFamily.Add(face.Family, siblings);
if (!siblings.Contains(face))
private List<DbEntry> LoadDatabase()
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(DbPath);
if (!info.Exists)
return new List<DbEntry>();
using Stream str = info.OpenRead();
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<DbEntry>>(str);
return new List<DbEntry>();
private void VerifyDatabase(List<DbEntry> db)
// Very slow way to do this but how many fonts could a system have on average?
Dictionary<string, DbEntry> entires = new Dictionary<string, DbEntry>();
foreach (DbEntry entry in db)
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(entry.FilePath);
// Reprocess fonts that appear like this.
if (!info.Exists) continue;
else if (info.LastWriteTime > entry.AccessTime) continue;
string fontpath = null;
fontpath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontpath))
throw new Exception();
foreach (string path in FontPaths)
if (Directory.Exists(path))
fontpath = path;
// rip
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontpath))
SearchPathForFonts(entires, fontpath);
private static void SearchPathForFonts(Dictionary<string, DbEntry> entries, string path)
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(path);
foreach (FileInfo file in dir.EnumerateFiles())
SearchFileForFonts(entries, file);
foreach (DirectoryInfo directory in dir.EnumerateDirectories())
SearchPathForFonts(entries, directory.FullName);
private static void SearchFileForFonts(Dictionary<string, DbEntry> entries, FileInfo file)
if (entries.ContainsKey(file.FullName))
if (FT.NewFace(FTProvider.Ft, file.FullName, 0, out FTFace face) != FTError.None)
FontFace facename = FontFace.Parse(face.FamilyName, face.StyleName);
DbEntry entry = new DbEntry(facename, file.FullName);
entries.Add(file.FullName, entry);
private void FlushDatabase(List<DbEntry> db)
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(DbPath);
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using Stream str = info.Open(FileMode.Create);
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JsonSerializer.Serialize(str, db);
private static readonly string[] FontPaths = new string[] {
private class DbEntry
[JsonIgnore] public FontFace Face => new FontFace(Family, Slant, Weight, Stretch);
public string Family { get; set; }
public FontSlant Slant { get; set; }
public FontWeight Weight { get; set; }
public FontStretch Stretch { get; set; }
public string FilePath { get; set; }
public DateTime AccessTime { get; set; }
public DbEntry() {}
public DbEntry(FontFace face, string path)
Family = face.Family;
Slant = face.Slant;
Weight = face.Weight;
Stretch = face.Stretch;
FilePath = path;
AccessTime = DateTime.Now;