2023-07-08 12:17:14 +02:00
# This is going to create an environment for you to cross compile all the
# packages needed to build this project.
# As always, debian > ubuntu <3
FROM debian:stable-slim
# Download and Install dependencies.
# Install WGET
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y sudo wget
# Add the .NET package repository to the repository listing.
RUN wget https://packages.microsoft.com/config/debian/11/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
RUN dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
RUN rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
# APT dependencies.
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
bzip2 \
cmake \
clang \
cpio \
dotnet-sdk-6.0 \
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf \
gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu \
gcc-i686-linux-gnu \
git \
libssl-dev \
libxml2-dev \
lzma-dev \
mingw-w64 \
nuget \
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ninja-build \
2023-07-08 12:17:14 +02:00
patch \
python3 \
xz-utils \
# Clone osxcross
# Let's do this later.
# RUN git clone https://github.com/tpoechtrager/osxcross.git osxcross
# Setup interactive shell.
# Setup sudo. Remove password prompt for group "wheel".
2023-09-13 20:38:38 +02:00
RUN echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/quik_sudo_conf
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# Create a default user and switch.
RUN adduser --comment "" --disabled-password quik
USER quik
WORKDIR /home/quik
# Copy bashrc
RUN cp /etc/bash.bashrc ~/.bashrc
RUN echo source $HOME/src/sh/bashrc.sh >> ~/.bashrc
# Execute an interactive shell.
CMD bash