2022-01-11 10:54:10 +01:00

203 lines
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# FreeType 2 configuration file to detect a Win32 host platform.
# Copyright (C) 1996-2022 by
# David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
# This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, modified,
# and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project license,
# LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute this file you
# indicate that you have read the license and understand and accept it
# fully.
.PHONY: setup
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),ansi)
# Detecting Windows NT is easy, as the OS variable must be defined and
# contains `Windows_NT'. This also works with Windows 2000 and XP.
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
PLATFORM := windows
# Detecting Windows 9X
# We used to run the `ver' command to see if its output contains the
# word `Windows'. If this is true, we are running Windows 95 or later:
# ifdef COMSPEC
# # First, check if we have the COMSPEC environment variable, which
# # indicates we can use COMMAND.COM's internal commands
# is_windows := $(findstring Windows,$(strip $(shell ver)))
# endif
# Unfortunately, this also detects the case when one is running
# DOS 7.x (the MS-DOS version that lies below Windows) without actually
# launching the GUI.
# A better test is to check whether there are both the environment
# variables `winbootdir' and `windir'. The first indicates an
# underlying DOS 7.x, while the second is set only if windows is
# available.
# Note that on Windows NT, such an environment variable will not be seen
# from DOS-based tools like DJGPP's make; this is not actually a problem
# since NT is detected independently above. But do not try to be clever!
ifdef winbootdir
ifdef windir
PLATFORM := windows
endif # test NT
endif # test PLATFORM ansi
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),windows)
DELETE := del
CAT := type
# Setting COPY is a bit trickier. Plain COPY on NT will not work
# correctly, because it will uppercase 8.3 filenames, creating a
# `CONFIG.MK' file which isn't found later on by `make'.
# Since we do not want that, we need to force execution of CMD.EXE.
# Unfortunately, CMD.EXE is not available on Windows 9X.
# So we need to hack.
# Kudos to Eli Zaretskii (DJGPP guru) that helped debug it.
# Details are available in threads of the FreeType mailing list
# (2004-11-11), and then in the devel mailing list (2004-11-20 to -23).
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
COPY := >nul cmd.exe /c copy
COPY := >nul copy
endif # test NT
# gcc Makefile by default
CONFIG_FILE := w32-gcc.mk
ifeq ($(firstword $(CC)),cc)
CC := gcc
ifneq ($(findstring list,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # test for the "list" target
$(info )
$(info $(PROJECT_TITLE) build system -- supported compilers)
$(info )
$(info Several command-line compilers are supported on Win32:)
$(info )
$(info $(empty) make setup gcc (with Mingw))
$(info $(empty) make setup visualc Microsoft Visual C++)
$(info $(empty) make setup bcc32 Borland C/C++)
$(info $(empty) make setup lcc Win32-LCC)
$(info $(empty) make setup intelc Intel C/C++)
$(info )
setup: dump_target_list
.PHONY: dump_target_list list
setup: std_setup
# additionally, we provide hooks for various other compilers
ifneq ($(findstring visualc,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # Visual C/C++
CONFIG_FILE := w32-vcc.mk
CC := cl
.PHONY: visualc
visualc: setup
@cd .
ifneq ($(findstring intelc,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # Intel C/C++
CONFIG_FILE := w32-intl.mk
CC := cl
.PHONY: intelc
visualc: setup
@cd .
ifneq ($(findstring watcom,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # Watcom C/C++
CONFIG_FILE := w32-wat.mk
CC := wcc386
.PHONY: watcom
watcom: setup
@cd .
ifneq ($(findstring visualage,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # Visual Age C++
CONFIG_FILE := w32-icc.mk
CC := icc
.PHONY: visualage
visualage: setup
@cd .
ifneq ($(findstring lcc,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # LCC-Win32
CONFIG_FILE := w32-lcc.mk
CC := lcc
.PHONY: lcc
lcc: setup
@cd .
ifneq ($(findstring mingw32,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # mingw32
CONFIG_FILE := w32-mingw32.mk
CC := gcc
.PHONY: mingw32
mingw32: setup
@cd .
ifneq ($(findstring bcc32,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # Borland C++
CONFIG_FILE := w32-bcc.mk
CC := bcc32
.PHONY: bcc32
bcc32: setup
@cd .
ifneq ($(findstring devel-bcc,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # development target
CONFIG_FILE := w32-bccd.mk
CC := bcc32
.PHONY: devel-bcc
devel-bcc: setup
@cd .
ifneq ($(findstring devel-gcc,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # development target
CONFIG_FILE := w32-dev.mk
CC := gcc
.PHONY: devel-gcc
devel-gcc: setup
@cd .
endif # test PLATFORM windows