* include/freetype/internal/ftmmtypes.h (FT_ItemVarDelta): Make type explicitly 32-bit. * include/freetype/internal/services/svmm.h (FT_Var_Get_Item_Delta_Func): Change return type to `FT_ItemVarDelta` * truetype/ttgxvar.h (tt_var_get_item_delta): Change return type to `FT_ItemVarDelta`. * truetype/ttgxvar.c (tt_var_get_item_delta): Store scalars and deltas to intermediate array, perform computation using new method `FT_MulAddFix`.
429 lines
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429 lines
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* ttgxvar.h
* TrueType GX Font Variation loader (specification)
* Copyright (C) 2004-2022 by
* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, Werner Lemberg and George Williams.
* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,
* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
* this file you indicate that you have read the license and
* understand and accept it fully.
#ifndef TTGXVAR_H_
#define TTGXVAR_H_
#include "ttobjs.h"
* @Struct:
* GX_AVarCorrespondenceRec
* @Description:
* A data structure representing `shortFracCorrespondence' in `avar'
* table according to the specifications from Apple.
typedef struct GX_AVarCorrespondenceRec_
FT_Fixed fromCoord;
FT_Fixed toCoord;
} GX_AVarCorrespondenceRec_, *GX_AVarCorrespondence;
* @Struct:
* GX_AVarRec
* @Description:
* Data from the segment field of `avar' table.
* There is one of these for each axis.
typedef struct GX_AVarSegmentRec_
FT_UShort pairCount;
GX_AVarCorrespondence correspondence; /* array with pairCount entries */
} GX_AVarSegmentRec, *GX_AVarSegment;
* @Struct:
* GX_HVVarTableRec
* @Description:
* Data from either the `HVAR' or `VVAR' table.
typedef struct GX_HVVarTableRec_
GX_ItemVarStoreRec itemStore; /* Item Variation Store */
GX_DeltaSetIdxMapRec widthMap; /* Advance Width Mapping */
#if 0
GX_DeltaSetIdxMapRec lsbMap; /* not implemented */
GX_DeltaSetIdxMapRec rsbMap; /* not implemented */
GX_DeltaSetIdxMapRec tsbMap; /* not implemented */
GX_DeltaSetIdxMapRec bsbMap; /* not implemented */
GX_DeltaSetIdxMapRec vorgMap; /* not implemented */
} GX_HVVarTableRec, *GX_HVVarTable;
#define MVAR_TAG_GASP_0 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 's', 'p', '0' )
#define MVAR_TAG_GASP_1 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 's', 'p', '1' )
#define MVAR_TAG_GASP_2 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 's', 'p', '2' )
#define MVAR_TAG_GASP_3 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 's', 'p', '3' )
#define MVAR_TAG_GASP_4 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 's', 'p', '4' )
#define MVAR_TAG_GASP_5 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 's', 'p', '5' )
#define MVAR_TAG_GASP_6 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 's', 'p', '6' )
#define MVAR_TAG_GASP_7 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 's', 'p', '7' )
#define MVAR_TAG_GASP_8 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 's', 'p', '8' )
#define MVAR_TAG_GASP_9 FT_MAKE_TAG( 'g', 's', 'p', '9' )
#define MVAR_TAG_CPHT FT_MAKE_TAG( 'c', 'p', 'h', 't' )
#define MVAR_TAG_HASC FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'a', 's', 'c' )
#define MVAR_TAG_HCLA FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'c', 'l', 'a' )
#define MVAR_TAG_HCLD FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'c', 'l', 'd' )
#define MVAR_TAG_HCOF FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'c', 'o', 'f' )
#define MVAR_TAG_HCRN FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'c', 'r', 'n' )
#define MVAR_TAG_HCRS FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'c', 'r', 's' )
#define MVAR_TAG_HDSC FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'd', 's', 'c' )
#define MVAR_TAG_HLGP FT_MAKE_TAG( 'h', 'l', 'g', 'p' )
#define MVAR_TAG_SBXO FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 'b', 'x', 'o' )
#define MVAR_TAG_SBXS FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 'b', 'x', 's' )
#define MVAR_TAG_SBYO FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 'b', 'y', 'o' )
#define MVAR_TAG_SBYS FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 'b', 'y', 's' )
#define MVAR_TAG_SPXO FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 'p', 'x', 'o' )
#define MVAR_TAG_SPXS FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 'p', 'x', 's' )
#define MVAR_TAG_SPYO FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 'p', 'y', 'o' )
#define MVAR_TAG_SPYS FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 'p', 'y', 's' )
#define MVAR_TAG_STRO FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 't', 'r', 'o' )
#define MVAR_TAG_STRS FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 't', 'r', 's' )
#define MVAR_TAG_UNDO FT_MAKE_TAG( 'u', 'n', 'd', 'o' )
#define MVAR_TAG_UNDS FT_MAKE_TAG( 'u', 'n', 'd', 's' )
#define MVAR_TAG_VASC FT_MAKE_TAG( 'v', 'a', 's', 'c' )
#define MVAR_TAG_VCOF FT_MAKE_TAG( 'v', 'c', 'o', 'f' )
#define MVAR_TAG_VCRN FT_MAKE_TAG( 'v', 'c', 'r', 'n' )
#define MVAR_TAG_VCRS FT_MAKE_TAG( 'v', 'c', 'r', 's' )
#define MVAR_TAG_VDSC FT_MAKE_TAG( 'v', 'd', 's', 'c' )
#define MVAR_TAG_VLGP FT_MAKE_TAG( 'v', 'l', 'g', 'p' )
#define MVAR_TAG_XHGT FT_MAKE_TAG( 'x', 'h', 'g', 't' )
typedef struct GX_ValueRec_
FT_ULong tag;
FT_UShort outerIndex;
FT_UShort innerIndex;
FT_Short unmodified; /* values are either FT_Short or FT_UShort */
} GX_ValueRec, *GX_Value;
* @Struct:
* GX_MVarTableRec
* @Description:
* Data from the `MVAR' table.
typedef struct GX_MVarTableRec_
FT_UShort valueCount;
GX_ItemVarStoreRec itemStore; /* Item Variation Store */
GX_Value values; /* Value Records */
} GX_MVarTableRec, *GX_MVarTable;
* @Struct:
* GX_BlendRec
* @Description:
* Data for interpolating a font from a distortable font specified
* by the GX *var tables ([fgcahvm]var).
* @Fields:
* num_axis ::
* The number of axes along which interpolation may happen.
* coords ::
* An array of design coordinates (in user space) indicating the
* contribution along each axis to the final interpolated font.
* `normalizedcoords' holds the same values.
* normalizedcoords ::
* An array of normalized values (between [-1,1]) indicating the
* contribution along each axis to the final interpolated font.
* `coords' holds the same values.
* mmvar ::
* Data from the `fvar' table.
* mmvar_len ::
* The length of the `mmvar' structure.
* normalized_stylecoords ::
* A two-dimensional array that holds the named instance data from
* `mmvar' as normalized values.
* avar_loaded ::
* A Boolean; if set, FreeType tried to load (and parse) the `avar'
* table.
* avar_segment ::
* Data from the `avar' table.
* hvar_loaded ::
* A Boolean; if set, FreeType tried to load (and parse) the `hvar'
* table.
* hvar_checked ::
* A Boolean; if set, FreeType successfully loaded and parsed the
* `hvar' table.
* hvar_error ::
* If loading and parsing of the `hvar' table failed, this field
* holds the corresponding error code.
* hvar_table ::
* Data from the `hvar' table.
* vvar_loaded ::
* A Boolean; if set, FreeType tried to load (and parse) the `vvar'
* table.
* vvar_checked ::
* A Boolean; if set, FreeType successfully loaded and parsed the
* `vvar' table.
* vvar_error ::
* If loading and parsing of the `vvar' table failed, this field
* holds the corresponding error code.
* vvar_table ::
* Data from the `vvar' table.
* mvar_table ::
* Data from the `mvar' table.
* tuplecount ::
* The number of shared tuples in the `gvar' table.
* tuplecoords ::
* A two-dimensional array that holds the shared tuple coordinates
* in the `gvar' table.
* gv_glyphcnt ::
* The number of glyphs handled in the `gvar' table.
* glyphoffsets ::
* Offsets into the glyph variation data array.
* gvar_size ::
* The size of the `gvar' table.
typedef struct GX_BlendRec_
FT_UInt num_axis;
FT_Fixed* coords;
FT_Fixed* normalizedcoords;
FT_MM_Var* mmvar;
FT_Offset mmvar_len;
FT_Fixed* normalized_stylecoords;
/* normalized_stylecoords[num_namedstyles][num_axis] */
FT_Bool avar_loaded;
GX_AVarSegment avar_segment; /* avar_segment[num_axis] */
FT_Bool hvar_loaded;
FT_Bool hvar_checked;
FT_Error hvar_error;
GX_HVVarTable hvar_table;
FT_Bool vvar_loaded;
FT_Bool vvar_checked;
FT_Error vvar_error;
GX_HVVarTable vvar_table;
GX_MVarTable mvar_table;
FT_UInt tuplecount;
FT_Fixed* tuplecoords; /* tuplecoords[tuplecount][num_axis] */
FT_UInt gv_glyphcnt;
FT_ULong* glyphoffsets; /* glyphoffsets[gv_glyphcnt + 1] */
FT_ULong gvar_size;
} GX_BlendRec;
* @enum:
* GX_TupleCountFlags
* @Description:
* Flags used within the `TupleCount' field of the `gvar' table.
typedef enum GX_TupleCountFlags_
} GX_TupleCountFlags;
* @enum:
* GX_TupleIndexFlags
* @Description:
* Flags used within the `TupleIndex' field of the `gvar' and `cvar'
* tables.
typedef enum GX_TupleIndexFlags_
} GX_TupleIndexFlags;
#define TTAG_wght FT_MAKE_TAG( 'w', 'g', 'h', 't' )
#define TTAG_wdth FT_MAKE_TAG( 'w', 'd', 't', 'h' )
#define TTAG_opsz FT_MAKE_TAG( 'o', 'p', 's', 'z' )
#define TTAG_slnt FT_MAKE_TAG( 's', 'l', 'n', 't' )
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
TT_Set_MM_Blend( TT_Face face,
FT_UInt num_coords,
FT_Fixed* coords );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
TT_Get_MM_Blend( TT_Face face,
FT_UInt num_coords,
FT_Fixed* coords );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
TT_Set_Var_Design( TT_Face face,
FT_UInt num_coords,
FT_Fixed* coords );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
TT_Get_MM_Var( TT_Face face,
FT_MM_Var* *master );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
TT_Get_Var_Design( TT_Face face,
FT_UInt num_coords,
FT_Fixed* coords );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
TT_Set_Named_Instance( TT_Face face,
FT_UInt instance_index );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_face_vary_cvt( TT_Face face,
FT_Stream stream );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
TT_Vary_Apply_Glyph_Deltas( TT_Loader loader,
FT_Outline* outline,
FT_Vector* unrounded );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_hadvance_adjust( TT_Face face,
FT_UInt gindex,
FT_Int *adelta );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_vadvance_adjust( TT_Face face,
FT_UInt gindex,
FT_Int *adelta );
FT_LOCAL( void )
tt_apply_mvar( TT_Face face );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_var_load_item_variation_store( TT_Face face,
FT_ULong offset,
GX_ItemVarStore itemStore );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_var_load_delta_set_index_mapping( TT_Face face,
FT_ULong offset,
GX_DeltaSetIdxMap map,
GX_ItemVarStore itemStore,
FT_ULong table_len );
FT_LOCAL( FT_ItemVarDelta )
tt_var_get_item_delta( TT_Face face,
GX_ItemVarStore itemStore,
FT_UInt outerIndex,
FT_UInt innerIndex );
FT_LOCAL( void )
tt_var_done_item_variation_store( TT_Face face,
GX_ItemVarStore itemStore );
FT_LOCAL( void )
tt_var_done_delta_set_index_map( TT_Face face,
GX_DeltaSetIdxMap deltaSetIdxMap );
FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
tt_get_var_blend( TT_Face face,
FT_UInt *num_coords,
FT_Fixed* *coords,
FT_Fixed* *normalizedcoords,
FT_MM_Var* *mm_var );
FT_LOCAL( void )
tt_done_blend( TT_Face face );
#endif /* TTGXVAR_H_ */
/* END */