The header file `afwrtsys.h` has two distinct functions: to include the required writing system headers and also to generate code for each writing system. At each current use site only one or the other is used, with various macro trickery selecting one or the other. Split this header into `afws-decl.h` for the required writing system declarations and `afws-iter.h` for iterating over the writing systems to generate code. The motivation for this change is that the Visual C++ compiler treats the standard include guard idiom like `#pragma once` 'if no non-comment code or preprocessor directive comes before or after the standard form of the idiom'. It appears to check this after macro expansion, so if `WRITING_SYSTEM` expands to empty the bottom of `afwrtsys.h` is empty and looks like the standard include guard idiom which is treated like `#pragma once`, so subsequent inclusion of `afwrtsys.h` is elided. Fixes #1075. * src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_writing_system_classes), src/autofit/aftypes.h (AF_WritingSystem), src/autofit/ (AUTOF_DRV_H): Updated. * src/autofit/afwrtsys.h: Split into... * src/autofit/afws-decl.h, src/autofit/afws-iter.h: New files.
510 lines
14 KiB
510 lines
14 KiB
* afglobal.c
* Auto-fitter routines to compute global hinting values (body).
* Copyright (C) 2003-2021 by
* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,
* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
* this file you indicate that you have read the license and
* understand and accept it fully.
#include "afglobal.h"
#include "afranges.h"
#include "afshaper.h"
#include "afws-decl.h"
#include <freetype/internal/ftdebug.h>
* The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode. It is an implicit
* parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log
* messages during execution.
#define FT_COMPONENT afglobal
#include "aferrors.h"
#undef SCRIPT
#define SCRIPT( s, S, d, h, H, ss ) \
af_ ## s ## _script_class, \
AF_SCRIPT_ ## S, \
af_ ## s ## _uniranges, \
af_ ## s ## _nonbase_uniranges, \
AF_ ## H, \
ss )
#include "afscript.h"
#undef STYLE
#define STYLE( s, S, d, ws, sc, ss, c ) \
af_ ## s ## _style_class, \
AF_STYLE_ ## S, \
ws, \
sc, \
ss, \
c )
#include "afstyles.h"
#define WRITING_SYSTEM( ws, WS ) \
&af_ ## ws ## _writing_system_class,
FT_LOCAL_ARRAY_DEF( AF_WritingSystemClass )
af_writing_system_classes[] =
#include "afws-iter.h"
NULL /* do not remove */
#undef SCRIPT
#define SCRIPT( s, S, d, h, H, ss ) \
&af_ ## s ## _script_class,
af_script_classes[] =
#include "afscript.h"
NULL /* do not remove */
#undef STYLE
#define STYLE( s, S, d, ws, sc, ss, c ) \
&af_ ## s ## _style_class,
af_style_classes[] =
#include "afstyles.h"
NULL /* do not remove */
#undef STYLE
#define STYLE( s, S, d, ws, sc, ss, c ) #s,
af_style_names[] =
#include "afstyles.h"
/* Compute the style index of each glyph within a given face. */
static FT_Error
af_face_globals_compute_style_coverage( AF_FaceGlobals globals )
FT_Error error;
FT_Face face = globals->face;
FT_CharMap old_charmap = face->charmap;
FT_UShort* gstyles = globals->glyph_styles;
FT_UInt ss;
FT_UInt i;
FT_UInt dflt = ~0U; /* a non-valid value */
/* the value AF_STYLE_UNASSIGNED means `uncovered glyph' */
for ( i = 0; i < (FT_UInt)globals->glyph_count; i++ )
error = FT_Select_Charmap( face, FT_ENCODING_UNICODE );
if ( error )
* Ignore this error; we simply use the fallback style.
* XXX: Shouldn't we rather disable hinting?
error = FT_Err_Ok;
goto Exit;
/* scan each style in a Unicode charmap */
for ( ss = 0; af_style_classes[ss]; ss++ )
AF_StyleClass style_class =
AF_ScriptClass script_class =
AF_Script_UniRange range;
if ( !script_class->script_uni_ranges )
* Scan all Unicode points in the range and set the corresponding
* glyph style index.
if ( style_class->coverage == AF_COVERAGE_DEFAULT )
if ( (FT_UInt)style_class->script ==
globals->module->default_script )
dflt = ss;
for ( range = script_class->script_uni_ranges;
range->first != 0;
range++ )
FT_ULong charcode = range->first;
FT_UInt gindex;
gindex = FT_Get_Char_Index( face, charcode );
if ( gindex != 0 &&
gindex < (FT_ULong)globals->glyph_count &&
( gstyles[gindex] & AF_STYLE_MASK ) == AF_STYLE_UNASSIGNED )
gstyles[gindex] = (FT_UShort)ss;
for (;;)
charcode = FT_Get_Next_Char( face, charcode, &gindex );
if ( gindex == 0 || charcode > range->last )
if ( gindex < (FT_ULong)globals->glyph_count &&
( gstyles[gindex] & AF_STYLE_MASK ) == AF_STYLE_UNASSIGNED )
gstyles[gindex] = (FT_UShort)ss;
/* do the same for the script's non-base characters */
for ( range = script_class->script_uni_nonbase_ranges;
range->first != 0;
range++ )
FT_ULong charcode = range->first;
FT_UInt gindex;
gindex = FT_Get_Char_Index( face, charcode );
if ( gindex != 0 &&
gindex < (FT_ULong)globals->glyph_count &&
( gstyles[gindex] & AF_STYLE_MASK ) == (FT_UShort)ss )
gstyles[gindex] |= AF_NONBASE;
for (;;)
charcode = FT_Get_Next_Char( face, charcode, &gindex );
if ( gindex == 0 || charcode > range->last )
if ( gindex < (FT_ULong)globals->glyph_count &&
( gstyles[gindex] & AF_STYLE_MASK ) == (FT_UShort)ss )
gstyles[gindex] |= AF_NONBASE;
/* get glyphs not directly addressable by cmap */
af_shaper_get_coverage( globals, style_class, gstyles, 0 );
/* handle the remaining default OpenType features ... */
for ( ss = 0; af_style_classes[ss]; ss++ )
AF_StyleClass style_class = af_style_classes[ss];
if ( style_class->coverage == AF_COVERAGE_DEFAULT )
af_shaper_get_coverage( globals, style_class, gstyles, 0 );
/* ... and finally the default OpenType features of the default script */
af_shaper_get_coverage( globals, af_style_classes[dflt], gstyles, 1 );
/* mark ASCII digits */
for ( i = 0x30; i <= 0x39; i++ )
FT_UInt gindex = FT_Get_Char_Index( face, i );
if ( gindex != 0 && gindex < (FT_ULong)globals->glyph_count )
gstyles[gindex] |= AF_DIGIT;
* By default, all uncovered glyphs are set to the fallback style.
* XXX: Shouldn't we disable hinting or do something similar?
if ( globals->module->fallback_style != AF_STYLE_UNASSIGNED )
FT_Long nn;
for ( nn = 0; nn < globals->glyph_count; nn++ )
if ( ( gstyles[nn] & AF_STYLE_MASK ) == AF_STYLE_UNASSIGNED )
gstyles[nn] &= ~AF_STYLE_MASK;
gstyles[nn] |= globals->module->fallback_style;
FT_TRACE4(( "\n" ));
FT_TRACE4(( "style coverage\n" ));
FT_TRACE4(( "==============\n" ));
FT_TRACE4(( "\n" ));
for ( ss = 0; af_style_classes[ss]; ss++ )
AF_StyleClass style_class = af_style_classes[ss];
FT_UInt count = 0;
FT_Long idx;
FT_TRACE4(( "%s:\n", af_style_names[style_class->style] ));
for ( idx = 0; idx < globals->glyph_count; idx++ )
if ( ( gstyles[idx] & AF_STYLE_MASK ) == style_class->style )
if ( !( count % 10 ) )
FT_TRACE4(( " " ));
FT_TRACE4(( " %ld", idx ));
if ( !( count % 10 ) )
FT_TRACE4(( "\n" ));
if ( !count )
FT_TRACE4(( " (none)\n" ));
if ( count % 10 )
FT_TRACE4(( "\n" ));
FT_Set_Charmap( face, old_charmap );
return error;
af_face_globals_new( FT_Face face,
AF_FaceGlobals *aglobals,
AF_Module module )
FT_Error error;
FT_Memory memory;
AF_FaceGlobals globals = NULL;
memory = face->memory;
/* we allocate an AF_FaceGlobals structure together */
/* with the glyph_styles array */
if ( FT_ALLOC( globals,
sizeof ( *globals ) +
(FT_ULong)face->num_glyphs * sizeof ( FT_UShort ) ) )
goto Exit;
globals->face = face;
globals->glyph_count = face->num_glyphs;
/* right after the globals structure come the glyph styles */
globals->glyph_styles = (FT_UShort*)( globals + 1 );
globals->module = module;
globals->stem_darkening_for_ppem = 0;
globals->darken_x = 0;
globals->darken_y = 0;
globals->standard_vertical_width = 0;
globals->standard_horizontal_width = 0;
globals->scale_down_factor = 0;
globals->hb_font = hb_ft_font_create( face, NULL );
globals->hb_buf = hb_buffer_create();
error = af_face_globals_compute_style_coverage( globals );
if ( error )
af_face_globals_free( globals );
globals = NULL;
globals->increase_x_height = AF_PROP_INCREASE_X_HEIGHT_MAX;
*aglobals = globals;
return error;
FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
af_face_globals_free( AF_FaceGlobals globals )
if ( globals )
FT_Memory memory = globals->face->memory;
FT_UInt nn;
for ( nn = 0; nn < AF_STYLE_MAX; nn++ )
if ( globals->metrics[nn] )
AF_StyleClass style_class =
AF_WritingSystemClass writing_system_class =
if ( writing_system_class->style_metrics_done )
writing_system_class->style_metrics_done( globals->metrics[nn] );
FT_FREE( globals->metrics[nn] );
hb_font_destroy( globals->hb_font );
hb_buffer_destroy( globals->hb_buf );
/* no need to free `globals->glyph_styles'; */
/* it is part of the `globals' array */
FT_FREE( globals );
af_face_globals_get_metrics( AF_FaceGlobals globals,
FT_UInt gindex,
FT_UInt options,
AF_StyleMetrics *ametrics )
AF_StyleMetrics metrics = NULL;
AF_Style style = (AF_Style)options;
AF_WritingSystemClass writing_system_class;
AF_StyleClass style_class;
FT_Error error = FT_Err_Ok;
if ( gindex >= (FT_ULong)globals->glyph_count )
error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
goto Exit;
/* if we have a forced style (via `options'), use it, */
/* otherwise look into `glyph_styles' array */
if ( style == AF_STYLE_NONE_DFLT || style + 1 >= AF_STYLE_MAX )
style = (AF_Style)( globals->glyph_styles[gindex] &
style_class = af_style_classes[style];
writing_system_class = af_writing_system_classes
metrics = globals->metrics[style];
if ( !metrics )
/* create the global metrics object if necessary */
FT_Memory memory = globals->face->memory;
if ( FT_ALLOC( metrics, writing_system_class->style_metrics_size ) )
goto Exit;
metrics->style_class = style_class;
metrics->globals = globals;
if ( writing_system_class->style_metrics_init )
error = writing_system_class->style_metrics_init( metrics,
globals->face );
if ( error )
if ( writing_system_class->style_metrics_done )
writing_system_class->style_metrics_done( metrics );
FT_FREE( metrics );
/* internal error code -1 indicates */
/* that no blue zones have been found */
if ( error == -1 )
style = (AF_Style)( globals->glyph_styles[gindex] &
/* IMPORTANT: Clear the error code, see
error = 0;
goto Again;
goto Exit;
globals->metrics[style] = metrics;
*ametrics = metrics;
return error;
af_face_globals_is_digit( AF_FaceGlobals globals,
FT_UInt gindex )
if ( gindex < (FT_ULong)globals->glyph_count )
return FT_BOOL( globals->glyph_styles[gindex] & AF_DIGIT );
return FT_BOOL( 0 );
/* END */