# ReFile Tool Guide This is a very simple command that will consume files directories or stdin to resolve its file types. ``` ReFile - Simple Tool demonstrating ReMime ReMime Command Line Tool - Determine file Media Type refile [-r] file/directory/-... file infer a file directory infer files in directory. Requires -r - infer from standard input. -r search files and folders recursively. -a include hidden files. -v verbose mode, use full paths. --list list known mime types. Will ignore files. --help show this help text. ``` ### Listing Types Use `refile --list` to list known media types. ``` $ refile --list | head video/avi audio/wav image/vnd.microsoft.icon image/webp application/vnd.rar application/postscript application/pdf audio/mp3 audio/flac audio/midi ``` ### Listing Files & Directories Just pass the path strings into the command line. Use `-r` to recursively traverse subdirectories. Here is an annotated command output: ``` # Lines beginning with # are comments. # +--- Extension matched. # |+-- Content matched. # || # || File path Media Type # || ----------------------------- ------------------------ -- toc.yml application/octet-stream ec ../../../Downloads/image2.png image/png e- _site.tar.gz application/gzip e- index.md text/markdown e- docfx.json application/json # Skipping directory docs, set -r to traverse. ```