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FreeType 2.0 System Interface</h1></center>

&copy; 2000 David Turner (<a href="fichier :///david@freetype.org">david@freetype.org</a>)<br>
&copy; 2000 The FreeType Development Team (<a href="fichier :///devel@freetype.org">devel@freetype.org</a>)</h3></center>

<hr WIDTH="100%">
	This document explains how the FreeType 2 library performs the low-level and
	system-specific operations of memory management and i/o access. It is targetted
	to FreeType hackers, porters and "advanced" developers who want special
	features like providing their own memory manager or streams.
	Note that the only system-specific part of the library is a file
	named "<tt>ftsystem.c</tt>", normally located in the directory
    "<tt>freetype2/config/&lt;system&gt;</tt>" where <tt>&lt;system&gt;</tt> designates
	your platform (e.g. "<tt>config/ansi/ftsystem.c</tt>"  or


<h2>I. Memory Management</h2>
	Memory allocation and releases are performed through a <tt>FT_Memory</tt> object in
    FreeType. A <tt>FT_Memory</tt> is nothing more than a table of functions plus
	an arbitrary user data field. It is defined in the file
    "<tt>freetype2/include/ftsystem.h</tt>" and has the following structure:
		<tt>typedef struct</tt><br>
			<tr><td><tt><b>void*   user</b></tt>   <td> // a user-defined pointer. This is zero by default
			<tr><td><tt><b>void* (*alloc)( FT_System, int)</b></tt>  <td> // a function used to allocate a new block
			<tr><td><tt><b>void* (*realloc)( FT_System, int, int, void* )</b></tt><td> // a function used to reallocate a given block
			<tr><td><tt><b>void  (*free)( FT_System, void*)</b></tt>   <td> // a function used to release a given block
		<tt>} FT_MemoryRec, *FT_Memory;</tt><br>
	You'll notice that:<p>
		<li>The <tt>FT_Memory</tt> type is really a pointer to a <tt>FT_MemoryRec</tt>.
			This is a normal convention for the FreeType code.
		<li>The <tt>realloc</tt> takes two integer arguments. The first one is the
			current block size, the second one its new size.

	All current implementations of "<tt>ftsystem.c</tt>" provide a very simple
    implementation of the <tt>FT_Memory</tt> interface by calling directly the
	standard C <tt>alloc</tt>, <tt>realloc</tt> and <tt>free</tt>.
	The FreeType source code never invokes directly the function pointers. Rather,
	it calls <tt>FT_Alloc</tt>, <tt>FT_Realloc</tt> and <tt>FT_Free</tt> functions
	which are defined in "<tt>freetype2/src/base/ftobjs.c</tt>". These will not be
    discussed here.
	<b>If you want to use your own memory allocator</b> rather than the one provided
	by your build of FreeType, follow these simple steps:<p>
		<li>Create your own <tt>FT_Memory</tt> object, with pointers that map to
            your own memory management routines (beware function signatures though).
		<li>Call <tt>FT_Build_Library(memory,&library)</tt>. This will create a new
			<tt>FT_Library</tt> object that uses your own <tt>FT_Memory</tt> exclusively.
			Note however that this library has no font drivers loaded in !!
		<li>Load the default font drivers into the new library, either by
			calling <tt>FT_Default_Drivers(library)</tt>, or by adding them manually
            through repeated calls to <tt>FT_Add_Driver(library,&driver_interface)</tt>
	This will replace the <tt>FT_Init_FreeType(&library)</tt> call that an application
	must do to initialise one library instance.
	Notice that you <em>don't need to recompile FreeType 2 to use your own memory
	manager !!</em>.


<h2>II. Streams</h2>
	<h3>1. Basic Stream Structure</h3>
	A stream models the array of bytes found in a font file. FreeType 2 separates
	streams into two families :<p>
		<li><b>memory-based streams:</b><br>
			when the stream's content is entirely found in memory. This is the
			case for ROM font files, or memory-mapped files.
		<li><b>disk-based streams:</b><br>
			when the stream isn't directly accessible in memory. This is the
			case for local or remote files.
	Note that a stream's nature only determines how FreeType accesses its content, not
	the way it is effectively stored. For example, in the case of a compressed font file,
	one implementation may choose to uncompress the font in memory, then provide a memory
    based stream to access it. Another one might chose a disk based stream to perform
	on-the-fly decompression of the font data. Similarly, the font file can be stored
    on a local disk, or obtained from a network. This will be completely transparent to
	The stream structure is:
		<tt>typedef struct</tt><br>
			<tr><td><tt><b>char*  base</b></tt>   <td> for memory-based streams, the address
												   of its first byte.

			<tr><td><tt><b>ulong  size</b></tt>   <td> the stream's size in bytes.

			<tr><td><tt><b>ulong  pos</b></tt>    <td> the current stream position in the file

			<tr><td><tt><b>descriptor</b></tt><td> a union field used to hold either an
											       integer file descriptor or pointer.
												   This field is not used by FreeType
												   itself, but is left to implementations
												   of "<tt>ftsystem</tt>"
			<tr><td><tt><b>pathname</b></tt>  <td> a union field that can hold either an
												   integer or pointer. It is not used by
												   FreeType itself, but is left to
												   implementations. These can put the
												   file pathname's during debugging for

			<tr><td><tt><b>read</b></tt>   <td> a pointer to a function used to seek the
											  stream and/or read a run of bytes from it.

			<tr><td><tt><b>close</b></tt><td> a pointer to a function called when the
											  stream is closed.

			<tr><td><tt><b>memory</b></tt> <td> a <tt>FT_Memory</tt> object, which is used
												to allocate frames for disk-based streams.
												This field is set and used by FreeType.

			<tr><td><tt><b>cursor</b></tt> <td> a pointer in memory used when accessing
												frames. This is set and used by FreeType.

			<tr><td><tt><b>limit</b></tt>  <td> a pointer in memory used when accessing
												frames. This is set and used by FreeType.
		<tt>} FT_StreamRec, *FT_Stream</tt>

	The following important things must be noticed here:<p>
		<li>The <tt>FT_Stream</tt> type is really a pointer to a <tt>FT_StreamRec</tt>.
            This is a normal convention for the FreeType source.

		<li>When the <tt>read</tt> field is non NULL, the stream is considered to be
			disk-based. Otherwise, the stream is memory-based, and the <tt>base</tt>
			field <em>must</em> be set by "<tt>ftsystem.c</tt>" when the stream is

		<li>The <tt>base</tt> field must be set to 0 when a disk-based stream is created.
			However, this field will later be set and used by the FreeType library when
            accessing frames of bytes within the font file (of course, this doesn't
            happen with memory-based streams).

	<h3>2. Stream lifecyles</h3>
	Each <tt>FT_Face</tt> needs its own stream to access font data. The most common
	way to create a new <tt>FT_Stream</tt> object is to call the function
	<tt>FT_New_Face</tt>. This function takes a <em>file pathname</em> argument that
	is used to create a new stream object.
	This is possible because each implementation of "<tt>ftsystem.c</tt>" provides
	a function called <tt>FT_New_Stream</tt> which takes a file pathname and a
    <tt>FT_Stream</tt> pointer as an argument. The function simply opens the file
	and initialises the stream structure accordingly. It is called by <tt>FT_New_Face</tt>
	to create the face's stream object.
	A stream is only closed when the face is destroyed through <tt>FT_Done_Face</tt>.
	Its <tt>close</tt> field function will then be called. Note that the function should
	<em>never</em> destroy the <tt>FT_Stream</tt>.

	<h3>3. Using your own streams</h3>
	There are cases where it is interesting to provide your own stream to create
	a new face object, rather than rely on the default implementation. For example,
    a filepathname, which is a C string, might not be useful on a system where files
	are named with a UTF-16 string or via an i-node number of memory address (for ROM files).
	For this purpose, the <tt>FT_Open_Face</tt> is defined. It simply takes a
	<tt>FT_Stream</tt> pointer as its second argument, instead of a file pathname (the
	stream must be allocated and initialised by you, so be careful).
	Actually, the only thing that <tt>FT_New_Face</tt> does is create a new stream
	through <tt>FT_New_Stream</tt>, then call <tt>FT_Open_Face</tt> to create the
	face with it.
	Note also that you can use the function <tt>FT_New_Memory_Face</tt> to create
	a new font face for a memory-based font file, whose address and size can be passed
	as arguments. The function automatically creates the corresponding memory-based
	stream and use it to create the face.



<h2>III. Thread synchronisation</h2>
	The FreeType library uses no static data. It can be used concurrently by two
	thread as long as each one uses its own <tt>FT_Library</tt> instance. Otherwise,
	one can very simply synchronize access to a single library instance by using a
	mutex to protect each call to one of FreeType's API functions.