From 48fd5bb2b6a1eb8cff453e72eb58c9223c03095d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Werner Lemberg <>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 10:20:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Documentation updates.

* docs/CHANGES: Add missing information.

* docs/formats.txt: Rewritten and updated.
 ChangeLog        |   8 ++
 docs/CHANGES     |  27 ++++++
 docs/formats.txt | 241 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 3 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index c6a336f25..133ce2142 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+2016-12-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Documentation updates.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Add missing information.
+	* docs/formats.txt: Rewritten and updated.
 2016-12-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
 	[truetype, type1] Implement `FT_Get_Var_Design_Coordinates'.
diff --git a/docs/CHANGES b/docs/CHANGES
index 5b50fa23e..dccdb6e28 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGES
+++ b/docs/CHANGES
@@ -3,6 +3,15 @@ CHANGES BETWEEN 2.7 and 2.7.1
+    - Support for the new CFF2 font format as introduced with OpenType
+      1.8 has been contributed by Dave Arnolds from Adobe.
+    - Preliminary support for variation fonts as specified in OpenType
+      1.8 (in addition to the  already existing support for Adobe's MM
+      and Apple's  GX formats).  Dave Arnolds  contributed handling of
+      advance  width change  variation;  more will  come  in the  next
+      version.
@@ -37,9 +46,27 @@ CHANGES BETWEEN 2.7 and 2.7.1
       blend  coordinates of the currently  selected variation instance
       has been added to the Multiple Masters interface.
+    - A new  function `FT_Get_Var_Design_Coordinates' to  retrieve the
+      design coordinates of the  currently selected variation instance
+      has been added to the Multiple Masters interface.
     - A new load flag `FT_LOAD_BITMAP_METRICS_ONLY' to retrieve bitmap
       information without loading the (embedded) bitmap itself.
+    - Retrieving   advance   widths   from   bitmap   strikes   (using
+      `FT_Get_Advance' and `FT_Get_Advances') have been sped up.
+    - The  usual round  of  fuzzer fixes  to  better reject  malformed
+      fonts.
+    - The `ftmulti' demo program can now switch engines with key `H'.
+    - The  `ftstring'  demo  program   can  now  show  some  built-in,
+      non-latin sample strings (to be selected with the TAB key).
+    - The  `ftview'  demo program  can  now  switch between  a  font's
+      charmaps using the TAB key.
diff --git a/docs/formats.txt b/docs/formats.txt
index ae8c95fcd..2181352bd 100644
--- a/docs/formats.txt
+++ b/docs/formats.txt
@@ -1,141 +1,161 @@
-This  file  contains a  list  of various  font  formats.   It gives  the
+This  file contains  a list  of various  font formats.   It gives  the
 reference document and whether it is supported in FreeType 2.
+Table fields
-  file type:
-    The only special  case is `MAC'; on older Mac  OS versions, a `file'
-    is  stored as  a  data and  a  resource fork,  this  is, within  two
-    separate data chunks.   In all other cases, the  font data is stored
-    in a single file.
-  wrapper format:
-    The format used  to represent the font data.  In  the table below it
-    is used only if the font format differs.  Possible values are `SFNT'
-    (binary), `PS' (a text header, followed by binary or text data),
-    `LZW' (compressed with either `gzip' or `compress'), and
+  wrapper format
+    The format used to represent the font data.  In the table below it
+    is  used only  if the  font format  differs.  Possible  values are
+    `SFNT' (binary), `PS'  (a text header, followed by  binary or text
+    data), `LZW'  (compressed with  either `gzip' or  `compress'), and
     `BZ2' (compressed with `bzip2`).
-  font format:
-    How the font  is to be accessed, possibly  after converting the file
-    type and  wrapper format  into a generic  form.  Bitmap  formats are
-    `BDF',  `PCF', and  one  form  of `WINFNT';  all  others are  vector
-    formats.
+  font format
+    How the font is to be accessed, possibly after converting the file
+    type and wrapper  format into a generic form.   Bitmap formats are
+    `BDF',  `PCF', and  one form  of `WINFNT';  all others  are vector
+    formats.   `PS' indicates  third-order,  `TT' second-order  Bézier
+    curves.
-  font type:
-    Sub-formats  of the font  format.  `SBIT'  and `MACSBIT'  are bitmap
-    formats, `MM' and `VAR' support optical axes.
+  font type
+    Sub-formats of the  font format.  `SBIT' and  `MACSBIT' are bitmap
+    formats,  `MM' and  `VAR' support  optical axes.   `CFF2' supports
+    optical axes also.
-  glyph access:
-    If not specified, the glyph access is `standard' to the font format.
-    Values are  `CID' for CID-keyed  fonts, `SYNTHETIC' for  fonts which
-    are modified  versions of other  fonts by means of  a transformation
-    matrix, `COLLECTION' for collecting  multiple fonts (sharing most of
-    the data) into a single file, and `TYPE_0' for PS fonts which are to
-    be accessed in a tree-like structure.
+  glyph access
+    If  not specified,  the glyph  access  is `standard'  to the  font
+    format.   Values are  `CID' for  CID-keyed fonts,  `SYNTHETIC' for
+    fonts that  are modified  versions of  other fonts  by means  of a
+    transformation matrix, and  `TYPE_0' for PS fonts which  are to be
+    accessed in a tree-like structure.
-  FreeType driver:
-    The module in  the FreeType library which handles  the specific font
-    format.   A missing entry  means that  FreeType doesn't  support the
+  FreeType driver
+    The module in the FreeType library which handles the specific font
+    format.  A missing  entry means that FreeType  doesn't support the
     font format (yet).
-Please  send  additions  and/or  corrections  to  or  to  the
-FreeType developer's list  at (for subscribers
-only).   If you  can provide  a font  example for  a format  which isn't
-supported yet please send a mail too.
+  The  SFNT  container  format also  provides  `collections'  (usually
+  having the file extension `.ttc'  or `.otc').  A collection contains
+  multiple font faces that share some tables to avoid redundancy, thus
+  reducing the file  size.  In FreeType, elements of  a collection can
+  be accessed with a proper face index.
+  Both  the GX  and the  OpenType 1.8  variation fonts  provide `named
+  instances'.  FreeType  maps them to  face indices (they can  also be
+  accessed with the standard MM interface).
+  Other  font  formats  (not  using the  SFNT  wrapper)  also  provide
+  multiple faces  within one  file; they are  marked with  an asterisk
+  (`*') in the table below.
+  FreeType can  be configured to  support Mac  files (on older  Mac OS
+  versions, a `file' is stored as a data and a resource fork, this is,
+  within two  separate data chunks).  If  a file can't be  opened as a
+  font, FreeType then checks whether it  is a resource fork, trying to
+  extract  the contained  font data  from  either a  `POST' or  `sfnt'
+  resource.
-file wrapper font   font    glyph      FreeType reference
-type format  format type    access     driver   documents
----  ---     BDF    ---     ---        bdf      5005.BDF_Spec.pdf, X11
+Please  send additions  and/or  corrections to  or to  the
+FreeType   developer's   list    at   (for
+subscribers only).   If you can  provide a  font example for  a format
+which isn't supported yet please send a mail too.
----  SFNT    PS     TYPE_1  ---        type1    Type 1 GX Font Format
-                                                (for the Mac) [3]
-MAC  SFNT    PS     TYPE_1  ---        type1    Type 1 GX Font Format
-                                                (for the Mac) [3]
----  SFNT    PS     TYPE_1  CID        cid      5180.sfnt.pdf (for the Mac)
-                                                [3]
-MAC  SFNT    PS     TYPE_1  CID        cid      5180.sfnt.pdf (for the Mac)
-                                                [3]
----  SFNT    PS     CFF     ---        cff      OT spec, 5176.CFF.pdf
-                                                (`OTTO' format)
-MAC  SFNT    PS     CFF     ---        cff      OT spec, 5176.CFF.pdf
-                                                (`OTTO' format)
----  SFNT    PS     CFF     CID        cff      OT spec, 5176.CFF.pdf
-MAC  SFNT    PS     CFF     CID        cff      OT spec, 5176.CFF.pdf
----  SFNT    PS     CFF     SYNTHETIC  ---      OT spec, 5176.CFF.pdf
-MAC  SFNT    PS     CFF     SYNTHETIC  ---      OT spec, 5176.CFF.pdf
----  SFNT    TT     SBIT    ---        sfnt     XFree86 (bitmaps only;
-                                                with `head' table)
----  SFNT    TT     MACSBIT ---        sfnt     OT spec (for the Mac;
-                                                bitmaps only; `bhed' table)
-MAC  SFNT    TT     MACSBIT ---        sfnt     OT spec (for the Mac;
-                                                bitmaps only; `bhed' table)
----  SFNT    TT     ---     ---        truetype OT spec (`normal' TT font)
-MAC  SFNT    TT     ---     ---        truetype OT spec (`normal' TT font)
-MAC  SFNT    TT     VAR     ---        truetype GX spec (`?var' tables)
----  SFNT    TT     ---     COLLECTION truetype OT spec (this can't be CFF)
-MAC  SFNT    TT     ---     COLLECTION truetype OT spec (this can't be CFF)
+  wrapper font    font    glyph      FreeType reference
+  format  format  type    access     driver   documents
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ---     BDF     ---     ---        bdf      5005.BDF_Spec.pdf, X11
----  ---     PS     TYPE_1  ---        type1    T1_SPEC.pdf
-                                                (`normal' Type 1 font)
-MAC  ---     PS     TYPE_1  ---        type1    T1_SPEC.pdf
-                                                (`normal' Type 1 font)
----  ---     PS     TYPE_1  CID        cid      PLRM.pdf (CID Font Type 0;
-                                                Type 9 font)
----  ---     PS     MM      ---        type1    5015.Type1_Supp.pdf
-                                                (Multiple Masters)
----  ---     PS     CFF     ---        cff      5176.CFF.pdf (`pure' CFF)
----  ---     PS     CFF     CID        cff      5176.CFF.pdf (`pure' CFF)
----  ---     PS     CFF     SYNTHETIC  ---      5176.CFF.pdf (`pure' CFF)
----  PS      PS     CFF     ---        ---      PLRM.pdf (Type 2) [1]
----  PS      PS     CFF     CID        ---      PLRM.pdf (Type 2) [1]
----  PS      PS     CFF     SYNTHETIC  ---      PLRM.pdf (Type 2) [1]
----  ---     PS     ---     TYPE_0     ---      PLRM.pdf
----  ---     PS     TYPE_3  ---        ---      PLRM.pdf (never supported)
----  ---     PS     TYPE_3  CID        ---      PLRM.pdf (CID Font Type 1;
-                                                Type 10 font; never supported)
----  PS      PS     TYPE_14 ---        ---      PLRM.pdf (Chameleon font;
-                                                Type 14 font; never supported?)
----  ---     PS     TYPE_32 CID        ---      PLRM.pdf (CID Font Type 4;
-                                                Type 32 font; never supported?)
----  PS      TT     ---     ---        type42   5012.Type42_Spec.pdf
-                                                (Type 42 font)
----  PS      TT     ---     CID        ---      PLRM.pdf (CID Font Type 2;
-                                                Type 11 font)
+  SFNT    PS      TYPE_1  ---        type1    Type 1 GX Font Format
+                                              (for the Mac) [3]
+  SFNT    PS      TYPE_1  CID        cid      5180.sfnt.pdf (for the Mac)
+                                              [3]
+  SFNT    PS      CFF     ---        cff      OT spec, 5176.CFF.pdf
+                                              (`OTTO' format)
+  SFNT    PS      CFF     CID        cff      OT spec, 5176.CFF.pdf
+  SFNT    PS      CFF     SYNTHETIC  ---      OT spec, 5176.CFF.pdf
+  SFNT    PS      CFF2    ---        cff      OT spec 1.8
+  SFNT    TT      SBIT    ---        sfnt     XFree86 (bitmaps only;
+                                              with `head' table)
+  SFNT    TT      MACSBIT ---        sfnt     OT spec (for the Mac;
+                                              bitmaps only; `bhed' table)
+  SFNT    TT      ---     ---        truetype OT spec (`normal' TT font)
+  SFNT    TT      VAR     ---        truetype GX spec (`?var' tables)
+  SFNT    TT      VAR     ---        truetype OT spec 1.8
+                                              (`?var' + `?VAR' tables)
----  ?       ?      CEF     ?          cff      ?
+  ---     PS      TYPE_1  ---        type1    T1_SPEC.pdf
+                                              (`normal' Type 1 font)
+  ---     PS      TYPE_1  CID        cid      PLRM.pdf (CID Font Type 0;
+                                              Type 9 font)
+  ---     PS      MM      ---        type1    5015.Type1_Supp.pdf
+                                              (Multiple Masters)
+  ---     PS      CFF     ---        cff      5176.CFF.pdf (`pure' CFF)
+  ---     PS*     CFF     CID        cff      5176.CFF.pdf (`pure' CFF)
+  ---     PS      CFF     SYNTHETIC  ---      5176.CFF.pdf (`pure' CFF)
+  ---     PS      CFF/MM  ---        cff      old 5167.CFF.pdf (`pure' CFF)
+                                              [3]
+  ---     PS*     CFF/MM  CID        cff      old 5167.CFF.pdf (`pure' CFF)
+                                              [3]
+  ---     PS      CFF/MM  SYNTHETIC  ---      old 5167.CFF.pdf (`pure' CFF)
+                                              [3]
+  PS      PS      CFF     ---        ---      PLRM.pdf (Type 2) [1]
+  PS      PS*     CFF     CID        ---      PLRM.pdf (Type 2) [1]
+  PS      PS      CFF     SYNTHETIC  ---      PLRM.pdf (Type 2) [1]
+  PS      PS      CFF/MM  ---        ---      PLRM.pdf (Type 2) [1]
+  PS      PS*     CFF/MM  CID        ---      PLRM.pdf (Type 2) [1]
+  PS      PS      CFF/MM  SYNTHETIC  ---      PLRM.pdf (Type 2) [1]
+  ---     PS      ---     TYPE_0     ---      PLRM.pdf
+  ---     PS      TYPE_3  ---        ---      PLRM.pdf (never supported)
+  ---     PS      TYPE_3  CID        ---      PLRM.pdf (CID Font Type 1;
+                                              Type 10 font; never supported)
+  PS      PS      TYPE_14 ---        ---      PLRM.pdf (Chameleon font;
+                                              Type 14 font; never supported?)
+  ---     PS      TYPE_32 CID        ---      PLRM.pdf (CID Font Type 4;
+                                              Type 32 font; never supported?)
+  PS      TT      ---     ---        type42   5012.Type42_Spec.pdf
+                                              (Type 42 font)
+  PS      TT      ---     CID        ---      PLRM.pdf (CID Font Type 2;
+                                              Type 11 font)
----  ---     PCF    ---     ---        pcf      X11 [4]
----  LZW     PCF    ---     ---        pcf      X11 [4]
----  BZ2     PCF    ---     ---        pcf      X11 [4]
+  ?       ?       CEF     ?          cff      ?
----  ---     PFR    PFR0    ---        pfr      [2]
----  ---     PFR    PFR1    ---        ---      (undocumented, proprietary;
-                                                probably never supported)
+  ---     PCF     ---     ---        pcf      X11 [4]
+  LZW     PCF     ---     ---        pcf      X11 [4]
+  BZ2     PCF     ---     ---        pcf      X11 [4]
----  ---     WINFNT ---     ---        winfonts Windows developer's notes [5]
----  ---     WINFNT VECTOR  ---        ---      Windows developer's notes [5]
+  ---     PFR*    PFR0    ---        pfr      [2]
+  ---     PFR     PFR1    ---        ---      (undocumented, proprietary;
+                                              probably never supported)
-[1] Support should be rather simple since this is identical to `CFF' but
-    in a PS wrapper.
+  ---     WINFNT* ---     ---        winfonts Windows developer's notes [5]
+  ---     WINFNT  VECTOR  ---        ---      Windows developer's notes [5]
+[1] Support should  be rather simple since this is  identical to `CFF'
+    but in a PS wrapper.
 [2] Official PFR specification:
-    The  syntax of  the  auxiliary data  is  not defined  there, but  is
-    partially defined in  MHP 1.0.3 (also called ETSI  TS 101812 V1.3.1)
+    The syntax  of the  auxiliary data  is not  defined there,  but is
+    partially defined in MHP 1.0.3 (also called ETSI TS 101812 V1.3.1)
     section 7.4.
@@ -143,7 +163,8 @@ MAC  ---     PS     TYPE_1  ---        type1    T1_SPEC.pdf
     (free registration required).
-[3] Support is rudimentary currently; some tables are not loaded yet.
+[3] Support  is rudimentary  currently; some  tables or  data are  not
+    loaded yet.
 [4] See
@@ -151,10 +172,10 @@ MAC  ---     PS     TYPE_1  ---        type1    T1_SPEC.pdf
       Elias Israel, Erik Fortune, Digital Press, 1992
       ISBN 1-55558-096-3
-    for a specification  given in Appendix D on pgs. 436-450.   However,
-    this information  might be out of  date; unfortunately,  there is no
-    PCF  specification available  online, and this book is out of print.
-    George  Williams deduced  the font  format from the X11  sources and
+    for a specification given in Appendix D on pgs. 436-450.  However,
+    this information might be out  of date; unfortunately, there is no
+    PCF specification available online, and this book is out of print.
+    George Williams deduced  the font format from the  X11 sources and
     documented it for his FontForge font editor: