#!/bin/bash # $1 Source path of the project. # $2 Target architecture list. # DST is the destination directory. # NOINSTALL = 1 to skip installing. SRC=$1 ARCHS=$2 if [ -z "$SRC" ] then echo You need to provide a source path. return fi if [ -z "$ARCHS" ] then ARCHS="linux-arm linux-arm64 linux-x64 win-x64 win-x86 osx-arm64 osx-x64" fi if [ -z "$DST" ] then DST=$PWD fi if [ -z "$CMAKE_DIR"] then CMAKE_DIR="$SRC/docker-cross-compiler/cmake" fi for ARCH in $ARCHS; do # Output directory. PREFIX=$DST/runtimes/$ARCH/native # Build directory. BUILD=$DST/out/$ARCH # Cmake toolchain file. TOOLCHAIN=$CMAKE_DIR/$ARCH.cmake # Create directories. mkdir -p $PREFIX $BUILD # Configure CMAKE. cmake -B $BUILD -S $SRC \ -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PREFIX \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$TOOLCHAIN \ $QUIK_ADDITIONAL_CMAKE # Build and install. ninja -C $BUILD all if [ ! $NOINSTALL ] then ninja -C $BUILD install fi done