using System.Drawing;
using Dashboard.Events;
namespace Dashboard.Windowing
/// Base class of all Dashboard windows.
public interface IWindow :
/// Name of the window.
string Title { get; set; }
/// The size of the window that includes the window extents.
SizeF OuterSize { get; set; }
/// The size of the window that excludes the window extents.
SizeF ClientSize { get; set; }
/// Base class for all Dashboard windows that are DPI-aware.
public interface IDpiAwareWindow : IWindow
/// DPI of the window.
float Dpi { get; }
/// Scale of the window.
float Scale { get; }
/// An object that represents a window in a virtual space, usually another window or a rendering system.
public interface IVirtualWindow : IWindow, IEventListener
/// An object that represents a native operating system window.
public interface IPhysicalWindow : IWindow
/// The device context for this window.
IDeviceContext DeviceContext { get; }
/// True if the window is double buffered.
public bool DoubleBuffered { get; }
/// The window manager for this physical window.
public IWindowManager? WindowManager { get; set; }